Accelerated Monitoring of Tomorrow’s Medicine
Not feeling well? Look at the clock. Feeling chest pains? Check what your shirt says. Despite the difficulties, the monitoring of vital signs is one of the fastest developing areas of digital medicine, and Israel possesses several advantages that the Israel Innovation Authority is helping to maximize. Gill Zaphrir worked for years in the field […]
The Sky Is No Longer the Limit – Innovative Space Technologies
2020 may have been a rough year for all of us, but innovative technologies continue to thrive. Space industry has brought to our lives new trends with the goal of improving movement, operations, and communications between Earth and space. One of the top trends of 2021 is the development of miniaturized satellites. Startups develop small […]
Innovation in the age of corona pandemic
Author: Aharon Aharon, CEO, Israel Innovation Authority For Israel, a country that is geographically small, remote from major global markets and with almost no natural resources, innovation has become the most valuable national asset, crucial to its economic prosperity. To advance its ingrained entrepreneurial spirit, Israel established a unique ecosystem of innovation, where Government provides […]
How Israel and UAE’s innovation partnership is about to disrupt the region?
It has been a while since Israel launched commercial relations with a partner as compatible and necessary as the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It seems that the two countries share a similar mindset on the necessity of innovation, research, and science and technology as the pillars of a knowledge-based, highly productive and competitive economy. Both […]
how israel and uaes innovation partnership-about disrupt region?
It has been a while since Israel launched commercial relations with a partner as compatible and necessary as the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It seems that the two countries share a similar mindset on the necessity of innovation, research, and science and technology as the pillars of a knowledge-based, highly productive and competitive economy. Both […]
Israel Is Spearheading a “Bio-Convergence” Revolution
Four months after the World Health Organization declared it a pandemic, COVID-19 remains at the forefront of the global health agenda and will likely continue to be in the foreseeable future. But this acute global challenge hasn’t displaced the long-term problems plaguing health systems worldwide – increasing rates of chronic disease, soaring drug development costs, and inefficient, […]
Artificial Intelligence is an Existential Threat
The technology entrepreneur Elon Musk said with regard to artificial intelligence that “we are summoning the demon. […] I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I were to guess what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that. Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft also expressed concern at the manner in which […]
A Personal Film Clip in Less than a Second
A company helps in preventing mistakes by patients who incorrectly implement doctor’s instructions. Errors can occur when prescriptions issued to patients are accurate and appropriate for them, but the patients themselves use them incorrectly and don’t use the medication in accordance with the doctor’s instructions. The Telesofia Corporation’s innovation – personal film clips created especially […]
Autonomous Vehicles – a Big Opportunity for the Israeli High-Tech Industry
The dramatic changes in the global motor vehicle industry and in the world of mobility offer many opportunities for new players from additional fields to join the transportation industry and shape the revolution. Large technology companies such as Intel, Google and Apple have been working for some time on developing a prototype of autonomous vehicles, […]
The ESG index and how it affects our lives
Despite the importance of environmental and social issues, the prevailing perception so far has been that ESG considerations are the domain of large companies that can afford to allocate resources for focusing on future risks or corporate responsibility. Why does this perception has to change and why is it commercially correct? Entrepreneurs and investors play […]
An EEG Measurement for Predicting Migraine Attacks
The BrainMARC Corporation is a company developing an innovative EEG-based technology. BrainMARC’s product is intended for the monitoring of mental activity, levels of attention and concentration, prediction of attacks of migraines, depression, and anxiety, and for the continuous monitoring of care and concentration during rehabilitative treatment. BrainMARC operates in the Alon Medtech Ventures incubator in […]
Creativity and Innovation on the Production Line
In a world where both market competition and consumer demand are always growing, standing still means losing out or even shutting down. The traditional food industry is now adopting innovation as a value and is dedicating resources for R&D – and the Israel Innovation Authority is helping Israeli players compete in their constantly changing market. […]
BactuSense | Detecting pathogens in food
Food Tech is a hot industry, and The Kitchen is a Food Tech incubator that successfully confronts some of the industry’s most cutting-edge challenges. “Each year, we’ll invest in three or four promising Food Tech start-ups”, says Jonathan Berger, CEO of The Kitchen. “Each company receives individual support from the incubator staff and a team of experts that Strauss […]
Diagnostics Within Minutes
The Emedgene Corporation enables clinical interpretation of patients’ genomic data within only a few moments. This capability, compared to the current period of hours or even days, allows clinicians to make the correct therapeutic decisions for the unique genetics of the patient. Einat Metzer, the company’s CEO, and founding partner tells of the development in […]
Digital medicine – The Future of modern medicine
Feeling chest pains? Check what your shirt says. A Wearable E.C.G Gary Sagiv, Senior Director of Business Development and deputy CEO of the Health Watch Corporation, is gazing into the distance: “Digital medicine is the future of modern medicine. I see it repeatedly all around the world. Digital medicine enables the transfer of a person’s health management […]
Government Activity – Easing the Conditions for Business and Advancing the Industry’s Human Capital
Several steps have been taken by the government in 2016 and 2017 that are expected to prove beneficial to Israeli high-tech. Among these steps are regulatory easing measures and actions to strengthen the infrastructures necessary for the industry. Firstly, the government has updated the taxation environment of high-tech companies in Israel. This has been done […]
Encouraging R&D Centers’ Activity in Forgotten Technological Fields
Although the multinational corporations’ activity in the ICT (Information and Communication Technology) field is already widespread, in other spheres, the scope of their R&D activity in Israel is relatively low. For example, while the ICT fields are responsible for 90 percent of R&D expenditure in the multinational corporations’ R&D centers, medical equipment is responsible for […]
Extraordinary Extracts
In the distant past, medicine relied on plant extracts of a simple kind. But these days, new botanical drugs are in demand. Coming up with them is an important scientific challenge. We introduce two Israeli biotech companies who are successfully meeting that challenge with cutting-edge development efforts. In Israel’s Arava region, a company called Algatech is tapping […]
From the Crime Scene to Cancer Identification
The extent to which the advantages of personalized medicine may be expressed can be seen in the case of the Nucleix Corporation. Dr. Adam Wasserstrom, one of the three founding entrepreneurs of Nucleix, tells of the early stages: “When we established the company, we worked initially on an innovative project in the field of criminal […]
Future Mobility Services: The Sky is the Limit
The nature of pioneering innovation makes predictions of future impact difficult. One illustration of this is that most of the internet’s dramatic multi-faceted influence on our lives could not have been foreseen in the mid 1990’s when the network was opened up for mass use. Similarly, the autonomous vehicle revolution is expected to influence such […]
Global Trends: Are ‘Exit’ Possibilities Diminishing?
The global innovation system is witness in recent years to two prominent financing trends that could also influence the Israeli high-tech industry. Firstly, the “unicorn’” phenomenon (companies valued at more than USD 1 billion), that began to spread throughout the global innovation industry in 2014, sometimes hinders capital raising during advanced stages or ‘exits’ for start-up […]
Have you already Tried your Personalized Health Suit?
The Taliaz Health Corporation analyzes databases and customizes medicines according to genetic characteristics, Emedgene has developed a system that aids diagnostics and, at Nucleix, cancer is identified according to DNA. The Israel Innovation Authority is supporting pioneering Israeli companies, active in the field of personalized medicine. “In the future world of medicine, every person with […]
Hot from the Food Tech incubator’s kitchen
Is there a way to feed nine billion people on this planet without destroying it? To adequately test foods for bacteria? To obtain meat without killing cattle? Or to make a vegan yogurt that tastes good? Food Tech is a hot industry, and The Kitchen is a Food Tech incubator that successfully confronts some of the industry’s […]
ICT – Expanding the Economic Influence
The ICT innovation system (Information and Communication Technology), the most advanced and developed in Israel, has for many years benefitted from a broad and advanced infrastructure that includes: skilled workers, a military system that produces advanced technologies and trains high-quality and experienced personnel, an entrepreneurial culture that yields hundreds of innovative start-up ventures each year, […]
Huge Corporation Seeks a Small Start-Up
Can Israel find a place for itself among the leaders in global Food Tech? The Israel Innovation Authority and Nestlé are two examples of believers – and they are collaborating to meet the challenge of connecting multinational corporations with local start-ups. “The food sector is full of excitement,” declares Ilanit Kabessa-Cohen, Head of Corporate Innovation, Startups […]
How will the labor market be influenced by technology that is progressing at dizzying speed?
Despite the gloomy forecasts, it must be honestly admitted that our ability to contain, comprehend, and predict the future is gradually diminishing. The main reason for this is the intensity and speed of modern technological changes. Processes that in the past occurred over centuries, and later over generations, occur today within merely a few years. […]
Three Electrodes on the Forehead
The Neurosteer Corporation is a company active in the field of continuous brain monitoring using EEG electrodes. Professor Nathan Intrator, the Neurosteer CEO is a brain researcher from Tel Aviv University who deals with mathematical models of advanced signal processing for reading brain activity. “I understood that using mathematics it is possible to extract much more information […]
Innovation in Israel and In the Republic of Korea
Despite the two countries’ cultural and commercial differences, Israeli and Korean innovation complement each other. The challenge: to bridge the gaps and advance the mutual commercial R&D relations between the two countries. A synergetic relationship, based on complementary contrasts, exists between the State of Israel and the Republic of Korea (hereafter: Korea) in the fields […]
How to integrate and preserve skilled employees in the High-Tech industry
Increasing the number of skilled and experienced personnel in the high-tech industry is a national objective, and the State of Israel is acting to achieve it. To this end, the Innovation Authority is supporting the cultivation of “coding bootcamps” as an additional avenue for joining the industry and is examining the problem of high-tech employment […]
Innovative Technologies Preventing Human Error
Digital medicine has enabled significant progress in preventing errors during medical treatment. The Israel Innovation Authority supports two companies developing such technologies. The first uses additional follow-up of common and critical clinician error when issuing a prescription and the second helps in preventing mistakes by patients who incorrectly implement doctor’s instructions. Nobody wants to make […]
P^3: The next generation of food packaging
The traditional industry has difficulty surviving economically in the modern world of constant development. In contrast, the academic community is eager to leave theory behind, act, and create new products. This is the story of the P3Consortium, whose success promises a new generation of smart plastic packaging.In March 2016, the P3 Consortium that was established […]
Life Sciences, Agriculture and Food: Enhancement of Innovation Systems
An innovation system we should consider is that engaged in life sciences, agriculture and food. In these fields, Israel possesses a range of advantages and even boasts several success stories; however, they have yet to sprout a surrounding sophisticated innovation system. Specifically, key elements that contribute to the success of the ICT system in Israel, such as […]
Life and Death at the Hands of Science
Two different and innovative technologies have been recently developed by Israeli start-up ventures as medical decision-support systems that analyze vast amounts of medical data. These systems provide doctors with significant real-time information regarding the patient’s condition, possible risks and complications, and contribute significantly towards making the best possible clinical decisions in time critical situations. A […]
The BEPS Regulations: An Opportunity to Maximize Economic Value
The consistent growth in the R&D centers’ activity is powered by Israel’s comparative advantages. Efficient tax planning constitutes another incentive for dispersing operations in the multinational corporations’ value chain between different countries. In this way, while their activity in Israel yields large-scale R&D output, the intellectual property developed within the framework of this activity has, […]
The Potential of the Israel-Korea Interface
By virtue of the complementary comparative advantages between Israeli and Korean innovation, great commercial potential exists at the point of interface between the two countries. Koreans are interested in investing in advanced technological developments and are constantly searching for innovative components that can be integrated into their products. Israeli entrepreneurs are also interested in technological development […]
Understanding the Context in the Clinical Text
Analysis of ‘big-data’ and a patient’s clinical information to improve the quality of his medical treatment stands at the basis of the software program developed by the OpisoftCare Corporation. The company, that focuses on improving the capability of accurate real-time clinical decision making, was established in 2014 by three entrepreneurs: Gideon Israeli, Erez Peleg, and […]
The Process of Foundation is Complete
The law on the basis of which the Innovation Authority was established was authorized by the Knesset in August 2015*, however the Authority itself only commenced operation at the beginning of 2017. As is known, the Authority was set up on the basis of the Office of the Chief Scientist in the Ministry of Economy […]
DLR | Teaching robots to learn
DLR (Deep Learning Robotics) is a startup featured in The Kitchen, a Food Tech incubator which is a joint venture of the Israel Innovation Authority (IIA) and Strauss Group. It provides a way of coping with the vast variability of food industry production lines and products. “The food industry lags far behind in automation, and […]
Studying Computer Science or Engineering is Not the Only Way to obtain High-Tech Employment
One of the central questions surrounding the discussion about the shortage of skilled high-tech employees is why it is that the high salary, that reflects the high demand for these workers, is not enough to attract more workers to choose this career path. The significance of the disparity between the average wage in the high-tech industry – […]
Innovation in Israel – Developments in Industry and Government 2016-2017
The Israeli high-tech industry is dynamic and constantly changing. What happened to the High-Tech Index, what are the prominent financing trends, and which regulatory changes were introduced? Developments in high-tech 2016-2017 The High-Tech Industry in Israel – The Surge Continues In 2015, we were witness to the peak of the Israeli high-tech industry’s performance, as […]
The Korean Economy: From Moderate to Pioneering Innovation
Although the total commitment to success which guided rehabilitation from the war contributed to industrial and military development and to the establishment of the conglomerates, at the same time it created a parallel business culture of fear of failure resulting in moderate innovation. The conglomerates traditionally inclined towards low-medium risk technology projects. They chiefly specialized in the […]
The Secret of Korean Success: State Investment and Growth of Giant Conglomerates
The names of the large Korean conglomerates, such as Samsung, LG, Hyundai, SK and Kia Motors are recognized all over the western world. It sometimes seems as if Korea has always been a focus of economic and technological prosperity, but that is not so. During the first half of the twentieth century, Korea was subject […]
Senior High-Tech Workers – an Under-Utilized Resource?
The government is investing much effort in many spheres with the aim of increasing the supply of skilled workers for the high-tech industry. At the same time, we must ensure that the high-tech industry makes full use of their existing human resources in the most efficient possible manner. In other words, the industry’s ability to […]
Promoting Innovation as Leverage for Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Growth
Israel has become a global focus of innovation over recent decades, however, the prospering high-tech sector has largely remained insulated and the majority of the economy has yet to gain from its benefits. This presents the Innovation Authority with an important mission: to preserve and strengthen world leadership of innovation while increasing the resultant economic-social […]
The Manufacturing Industries – Jump Starting Innovation and Productivity
While the high-tech sectors in Israel present workforce productivity higher than the average among OECD countries, the majority of the economy’s other sectors suffer from low productivity compared to their counterparts in these countries.’Basic Financeability of the Workers in Israel and Productivity in the Market’s Sectors’, from the Periodical Fiscal Survey and Assorted Research Issues, […]