Aimed at strengthening low R&I performing countries across Europe and Horizon Europe associated countries (“Widening Countries“) by providing grants to support the transfer of knowledge and increase their excellence in the R&I ecosystem.

Teaming for Excellence

Supporting the creation or upgrade of centres of excellence in low R&I performing countries that were established by partnerships with leading scientific institutions. For further information

Excellence Hubs

Ecosystems collaboration within low R&I performing countries to strengthen regional innovation excellence. For further information

European Excellence Initiative (EEI)

Strengthening cooperation between academic organisations from low R&I performing countries and leading international institutions. For further information


Enhancing research networking activities with research institutes from low R&I performing countries. For further information

ERA Talents

Staff Exchanges of R&I supporting staff between academic and non-academic organisations, coordinated by countries in low R&I performing countries. For further information

Hop-On Facility

Allowing legal entities from low R&I performing countries to join already selected collaborative R&I actions from Pillar 2 and EIC Pathfinder actions. For further information

ERA Fellowships

Supporting postdoctoral researchers in host organisations located in low R&I performing countries. For further information:

ERA Chairs

Supporting the implementation of structural changes in universities or research organisations of low R&I performing countries with international research management guidance excellence. For further information.

For more information see: Widening Useful Information and Events


Smadar Hirsh

Director, European Research Council (ERC), Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), Europe in a changing world, Science with and for the Society, Widening Participation of Low R&I Performing Countries (“Widening”), and Strengthening the European Research Area (ERA)



Adi Maller

Head of Sector, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), Widening Participation of Low R&I Performing Countries (“Widening”), and Strengthening the European Research Area (ERA)

