Target audience
All legal entities interested in collaborative research and innovation actions in the health domain : hospitals, academia, research institutes, industry, enterprises and SMEs, patients' or caregivers' associations, policy makers, SSH
The project
Collaborative consortium of at least three beneficiaries, working together around a research and innovation or coordination and support action, responding to specific challenges mentioned in the topic and implementing the expected outcomes, within a project lasting an average of 3 years.
EU funding
The EU funding covers between 70%-100% of the project costs, plus overhead of 25% of the project budget for indirect expenses.
In each topic, the European commission mentions the indicative budget per project.
Open calls
Call identifier
Type of action
Budget overview
Indicative number of grants
European Partnership: One Health Anti-Microbial Resistance
Last date for submission25-09-2024
No Type
European partnership for pandemic preparedness
Last date for submission26-11-2024
No Type
50 M in total (50 M per project)
Implementation research for management of multiple long-term conditions in the context of non-communicable diseases (Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases – GACD)
Last date for submission26-11-2024
20 M in total (3-4 M per project)
Pre-commercial procurement for environmentally sustainable, climate neutral and circular health and care systems
Last date for submission26-11-2024
No Type
15 M in total (3-5 M per project)