Enhancing research networking activities with research institutes from low R&I performing countries.
What is Twinning?
Twinning aims to enhance networking activities between research institutions of low R&I performing countries (see list of “Widening Countries“) and internationally-leading counterparts at EU level, networking for excellence through knowledge transfer and exchange of best practices between research institutions and partners and to raise the bar for the excellence of all R&I actors in these countries.
Type of action: Coordination and Support Action (CSA), funding networking, coordination or support services, policy dialogues and mutual learning exercises and studies.
Who can apply?
At least three research organisation applicants (“Beneficiaries”) – the coordinator and the advanced partners.
The coordinator: A research institution from a Widening Country.
Advanced partner: At least two research institutions from two different EU member states or associated countries (e.g. Israel).
Expected outcomes
- Improved excellence capacity and resources in Widening Countries.
- Enhanced strategic networking activities between the research institutions from Widening Countries and at least two internationally leading counterparts at EU level.
- Raised reputation, research profile and attractiveness of the coordinating institution from a Widening Country and its staff.
- Strengthened research management capacities and administrative skills of the staff working in institutions from a Widening Country.
- Improved creativity supported by development of new approaches and increased mobility (inwards and outwards) of qualified scientists
Scope highlights
Twinning proposals are for new or ongoing joint research projects that have clearly outlined the scientific strategy for stepping up and stimulating scientific excellence and innovation capacity in a defined area of research, as well as the scientific quality of the partners involved in the twinning exercise.
Evaluation will also focus on the qualitative and quantitative impact on the host organisation from a Widening Country, and possibly the impact at regional/national level.
Special attention will be paid to gender equality objectives as part of the submission process, which includes a Gender Equality Plan.
Funding and duration
Project duration: Up to three years
Eligible costs:
Travel, training and management costs – costs relating to administration, networking, coordination, training, management and travel costs of short-term staff exchanges and expert visits
Research – research, consumables and small equipment costs are eligible and could constitute up to 30% of the requested funding. The Coordinator from a Widening Country will be allocated at least 70% of the research costs.
Expected EU contribution per project:
Varies according to call’s budget.
For more information please refer to the full Twinning – Widening 2023-2025 Work Programme.
How ISERD can assist you
- Proofreading and evaluation feedback. Full proposals must be submitted at least one month in advance of the call’s deadline.
- Guidance and support
- Partner search
Further Information
- Widening Useful Information and Events
- Twinning call for proposals application page
Tips and tricks
- Most Frequent Mistakes in Twinning Proposals: What to be Aware of, by the Czech Republic Widening National Contact Point, 2018
- Benchmarking Report Potential for Teaming and Twinning, by the National Contact Points of Wideninig EU Project “NCP Wide.Net”, 2016
Contact us
For questions regarding the call and its submission requirements please contact the Widening team at ISERD.