What is the ERA Talents action?

ERA Talents projects promote intersectoral collaboration in R&I through funding the intersectoral exchange of staff members at any career stage (researchers, innovators, and other R&I talents) with a focus on widening countries (See list of widening countries). 

ERA Talents supports initiatives aimed at enhancing the skills and career development of researchers in Europe, especially focusing on less research-intensive regions through staff exchanges supporting R&I. It funds activities such as training, mentoring, networking, and mobility to improve research excellence and career prospects.

Type of action

Coordination and Support Action (CSA) for networking, training, and career development activities

Who can apply?

A consortium of at least 3 organisations from different member states or associated countries as beneficiaries. The coordinator must be established in a widening country and at least one beneficiary must be established in a different widening country.

In addition, the proposals must include organisations from both the academic and non-academic sectors.

Umbrella organisations or national/regional associations may also participate.

Expected outcomes

Scope highlights

Proposals should include a detailed strategy for training and career development.

They should demonstrate the potential for long-term impact on research skills and career prospects.

They should address gender equality and inclusivity in training and career development activities.


Open to new or current R&I staff of any kind and at any career stage: researchers, innovators, administrators, technical staff, managerial staff, etc.

Up to 24 months for each staff member

Only consortia of legal organisations, inter-sectorial and non-academic participants, and for administrative, managerial, and technical staff supporting R&I of academic participants.

At least one participant should be from a widening country.

The secondments should be between countries or within the same widening country.

Funding and duration

Project duration: Up to four years

Eligible costs: The grant covers expenses related to the participating organisations and individual staff members hosted/seconded (e.g., administrative costs, training costs, travel and subsistence costs, salaries for seconded staff, and costs associated with dissemination, communication and knowledge valorisation).

At least 70% of the funding should be dedicated to beneficiaries from widening countries.

Expected EU contribution per project: €1-3 million with no pre-defined unit costs

For more information: Please refer to the full ERA Talents – Widening 2023-2025 Work Programme.

How ISERD can assist you

Proofreading and evaluation feedback. Full proposals must be submitted at least one month in advance of the call’s deadline.

Guidance and support

Partner search

Further Information:

Widening Useful Information and Events

ERA Talents call for proposals application page

Contact Us

For questions regarding the call and its submission requirements please contact the Widening team at ISERD.