Israel – EMBRAPII (Brazil) 2nd Call for Proposals for R&D and pilot projects

תיאור הקול הקורא

Participating Agencies


The second Call for Proposals under the EMBRAPII – Israel Innovation Authority program will support large-scale collaboration programs for up to 24 months. Upon approval, Israeli companies will be entitled to 12 months of financial support, and will be eligible for a second year of funding subject to review of the project milestones.
* This program is operated under the Authority’s incentive program for Bilateral R&D (Hebrew) and the incentive program for Bilateral Pilots (Hebrew).
Please read the full details in the Program Guidelines.

Relevant Technologies

IoT/Smart Cities, Health/Life Science/Artificial Intelligence, Agritech/FoodTech, Cleantech


The preconditions and criteria for evaluation are detailed in the:


The support offered is detailed in the incentive programs:

Application Process

Sumbmission deadline is December 20th, 2020 at 12:00 (Israel Time).

The application process is detailed in the incentive program for Bilateral R&D and the incentive program for Bilateral Pilots.

In addition to the Israeli companies’ application to the Israel Innovation Authority, their foreign partners must apply to the funding authority in their country. Applications that would not be submitted to both countries will not be approved.
The application process is detailed in the incentive program for Bilateral R&D and the incentive program for Bilateral Pilots.

Please read the full details in the Program Guidelines.

Please notice, you must attach to the application a Bilateral Application Form.

Partner Search

Interested in this collaboration program but do not have a partner? Fill the Partner Search Form, send it to the contact email below, and we will try to help you find the right match.
