Quebec-Israel Industrial Research and Development Call for Proposals

תיאור הקול הקורא

Participating Agencies

Ministry of Economy, Science and Innovation (MESI), Quebec Province, Canada


The Israel Innovation Authority and MESI are announcing a first call for Israeli and Canadian companies and researches to apply for grants. 
The purpose of the Industrial R&D Program is to support greater collaboration among Québec and Israeli companies and researchers. The Program will support projects that fall within the framework of this call for proposal between the governments of the Province of Québec and the State of Israel.


Israeli companies pursuing cooperative projects with Québec companies that will take place in Israel may apply for grant funds through the Israel Innovation Authority. For eligibility of Israeli companies please refer to
The Québec-Israel  2nd Call for Proposals aims to financially support two years Industrial R&D projects that should fall, primarily but not exhaustively, within one or more of the following topics:

  1. Infrastructure and construction;
  2. Electrical equipment, electronics and nanotechnology;
  3. Agro-technology and water management;
  4. Environmental technologies;
  5. Biotechnology, medical technology and the pharmaceutical industry;
  6. Chemical and petrochemical industries;
  7. Aerospace and automotive industries;
  8. Information and communications technologies;
  9. Services, in particular software, insurance, transportation and education;
  10. Banking and financial sectors;
  11. Marine related science and technologies
  12. Any other relevant fields on which the Parties may agree.


Maximum award from Israel Innovation Authority: typically up to 50% of the Israeli R&D cost + regional (development zones) incentives.
The program will support collaboration projects for up to 24 months. 
Upon approval from both parties, Israeli companies will be entitled to 12 months of financial support, and will be eligible for a second year of funding subject to review of the project milestones.

Funding awarded by the Israel Innovation Authority will be granted upon approval from both parties and shall comply with the Israeli laws and regulations for Industrial R&D.
For more information regarding the Israeli laws and regulations, please refer to the Israel Innovation Authority’s Hebrew site.

A budget of  1 M$ was allocated for this Call for Proposal by the Ministry of Economy, Science and Innovation (MESI) and the Israel Innovation Authority , with a similar sum to be matched by the funded companies. 

Application Process

Phase 1: Expression of Interest 

Please complete an Expression of interest form (EOI) (available bellow via downloads) and email the form by January 14th, 2019, to Mr. Jonathan Cohen,

Phase 2: Funding Application

Due by May 12th 2019.

Please submit an online funding application to the Israel Innovation Authority. 

  1. Please read the instructions and regulations carefully before submitting the funding application.  
    For instruction on how to submit the Israel Innovation Funding Application:
    Please click here for Hebrew.     
    Please click here for English
  2. Please attach the EOI form to the funding application under “additional attachments”.  
  3. For online submission (Hebrew only), please click here
  4. After submitting the funding application, please email Mr. Jonathan Cohen the file number you receive, or your company number. 
