Ontario (OICP) – Israel Call For Proposals

תאריך אחרון להגשה 


תיאור הקול הקורא


Ontario small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), in partnership with Israeli SMEs, will develop innovative industry-oriented technologies strengthening both Ontario’s and Israel’s technological expertise while enhancing global competitiveness.

For each successful application, an Ontario SME may receive up to CAD $300,000 from OCE to fund the Ontario portion of the project. The collaborating company from Israel will receive a similar level of funding separately from the Israel Innovation Authority. SMEs are required to provide at least 1:1 matching funds for the funding awarded.

OCE anticipates that up to three projects will be funded through the 2018 Call for Proposals.

For more information on this call for proposal’s program: click here

Program Description

  1. Program Objectives
    • To create partnerships through bilateral collaboration leading to the development and commercialization of innovative industry-oriented technologies that will strengthen both Ontario’s and Israel’s technological expertise while enhancing competitiveness in the global market.
    • To enhance industry cooperation, improve competitiveness and further technological and business collaboration between Ontario and Israel.
    • To develop new products, advance processes, or facilitate productivity improvements towards market readiness stage.

      Priority Areas
      The 2018 Ontario-Israel Collaboration Program (OICP) Call for Proposals will accept applications focusing on one of the following themes:
      • Agri-Food
      • Advanced Manufacturing (including Robotics)
  2. How Funding Works

    Project Duration
    Project terms may not exceed two years and are non-renewable.

    Grant Amount
    • Projects of any size up to the maximum can be proposed for funding.
    • Ontario applicants will be eligible to receive up to 50 per cent of eligible Ontario project expenditures, to a maximum of CAD $300,000 per project from OCE. The corresponding Israeli applicant will receive a similar level of funding from Israel Innovation Authority to fund the Israeli portion of the project.

      Matching Contributions
    • All OCE funding must be matched at least 1:1 in cash by the Ontario applicant.
    • Israel Innovation Authority will typically provide up to 50 per cent of the Israeli project cost.

      Flow of Funds
    • For successful projects, funds will only be released upon execution of both OCE and Israel Innovation Authority Funding Agreements.
    • Twenty-five per cent of funds will be released by OCE to the Ontario SME upon activation of the project. The remaining 75 per cent of the OCE funds will be released to the Ontario SME, based on a claims-and-reimbursement- model for eligible expenses*. Claims must be submitted biannually along with progress reports. More information can be found in Section G. Project Reporting.
    • Funds from Israel Innovation Authority will be released to the Israeli SME according to the Israel Innovation Authority funding procedures.

      *For information on eligible and ineligible expenses, please refer to the OICP Eligible Expenses Guidelines.
  3. Eligibility
    • Projects MUST address one of the two Priority Areas.
    • Projects MUST develop innovative technologies, and may include technology and knowledge applications, product customization, near commercialization or new market creation activities.
    • Applications should demonstrate how the projects will provide economic benefits in both Ontario and Israeli jurisdictions.
    • Project activities should take place primarily in Ontario and Israel, with OCE and Israel Innovation Authority funds supporting activities in Ontario and Israel, respectively.
    • Project participants are required to demonstrate that they themselves have, or have ready access to, the infrastructure and resources required to complete the joint development of the project.

      Eligible Applicants

      Funding is open, on a competitive basis, to:
    • ​​​​Ontario SMEs – defined as a company with less than 500 full-time employee equivalents (FTE), conducting R&D and/or manufacturing in Ontario, with at least half of their FTE working and living in Ontario.
    • Each application MUST include at least one SME from Ontario and one company from Israel. Ontario applicants are strongly encouraged to collaborate with researchers from publicly-funded post-secondary institutions in Ontario.

      Israeli partners apply directly to Israel Innovation Authority for funding.
  4. How to Apply
    • OCE and Israel Innovation Authority will conduct parallel two-stage application processes. The application process consists of:
    1. Expression of Interest (EOI)
    2. Full Application (Invitation only)

      Stage 1: Expression of Interest (EOI)
    • Both Ontario and Israeli SMEs MUST be identified, as an Ontario-Israel partnership is required for Expression of Interest (EOI) submission.
    • If the Ontario-Israeli partnership is not already established, OCE and Israel Innovation Authority may aid in identifying potential partner companies. Ontario SMEs can download a Partner Search Form and submit to Bradford Brinton. Israeli SMEs may contact Jonathan Cohen for the Partner Search Form. Please allow sufficient time in advance of the EOI deadline to identify potential partners; also note that OCE and Israel Innovation Authority cannot guarantee their ability to identify or secure suitable partners.
    • Eligible Ontario applicants MUST engage with an OCE Business Development Manager (BD) to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI), describing how their company, along with an Israeli partner, plan to develop technology addressing one of the two Priority Areas.
    • The Ontario and Israeli partnered SMEs should jointly prepare and submit the Expression of Interest.
    • EOIs MUST be submitted before November 1, 2018, 2pm.
    • Selected EOIs, which are eligible and aligned with the Program Objectives, will be invited to proceed to the Full Application stage.

      Stage 2: Full Application
    • Applicants with successful EOIs will be invited to submit Full Applications.
    • Ontario SMEs will submit the Full Application to OCE. Israeli SMEs will submit the Full Application to Israel Innovation Authority.
    • For Ontario SMEs, prior to submitting the Full Application, the OCE BD MUST provide an endorsement of the application. Please allow at least one week prior to the submission deadline for the BD to review and endorse the application. Only after the BD endorsement will the SME be able to submit the application.
    • All applications MUST be received by OCE no later than the application deadline. Late and incomplete applications will not be accepted.
    • Intellectual Property (IP) arising from the project will be managed by the SMEs, as OCE and Israel Innovation Authority do not claim or manage IP rights. Full Applications MUST be accompanied by a letter of intent (“LOI”) signed by all Ontario and Israeli SMEs and, if applicable, Ontario post-secondary institution, detailing IP rights and the commercialization strategy of the product or process. If the project is funded, this LOI will be incorporated into the Funding Agreement. A fully executed IP Sharing Agreement or Collaborative Research Agreement is required prior to project activation and fund release. Applicants are strongly advised to begin negotiation of the terms of the IP Sharing Agreement immediately after submission of an application to meet the Application deadline.
  5. Evaluation and Project Activation

    Review Procedure
    EOIs and Full Applications will be assessed under a six-step process (for schedule, see H: Timelines)
    • Ontario and Israeli EOIs will be evaluated by OCE and Israel Innovation Authority for eligibility, completeness, compliance with program requirements, and alignment with program objectives.
    • Applicants with EOIs meeting the above criteria and submissions that are most responsive to the Priority Areas will be invited to submit a Full Application.
    • All Full Applications will be evaluated independently by OCE and Israel Innovation Authority for eligibility, completeness, compliance with program requirements, and fit with the program objectives.
    • Full Applications will then be reviewed by external domain experts in both jurisdictions who will assess the applications against program selection criteria and make recommendations to OCE and Israel Innovation Authority.
    • Funding decisions will be jointly made by OCE and Israel Innovation Authority
    • Final decisions will be communicated to the Lead Applicant identified in the Applications.

      Evaluation Criteria
      EOIs and Full Applications will be evaluated based on assessment criteria including but not limited to:
    • Commercial merits of the project
    • Strategic benefit to Ontario and Israel
    • Benefits to Ontarian and Israeli companies
    • Ability and capacity of the project team
    • Scientific merits of the project/significance of the technological innovation to enable next generation of the companies’ product lines
    • Strength of collaboration foundation and capability
    • Preliminary cooperation agreement between partners, including intellectual property rights and commercialization plan

      Funding Agreement
      On approval of the Full Applications, collaborating SMEs will need to respectively execute funding agreements with their corresponding funding agency (OCE or Israel Innovation Authority). Disbursement of OCE funds is conditional upon execution of an agreement between Israel Innovation Authority and the Israeli applicant.
      The Ontario SME must enter into an agreement with OCE within 30 days of receipt of the notification letter.
      For reference, download a template of the full Funding Agreement. Please do not fill out this form; a copy of the agreement will be generated through OCE’s online application system and sent to you upon approval of your project.
  6. Project Reporting
    The following project reports will be required:

    Progress and Claims Reports detailing:
    1. Achievement of milestones and deliverables as set out in the above project plan, and any deviations from the activities or budget specified in the application.
    2. Actual project expenditures and partner contributions.
    • The Ontario SME must submit an interim Progress and Finance report every six months.
    • Funds will be reimbursed upon satisfactory review and approval of the report.
    • Israeli partner reporting and funds distribution will be in accordance with the Israel Innovation Authority Funding agreement.

      Note: Applicant MUST retain all proof of purchases, receipts, and other relevant documentation relating to eligible expenses. OCE reserves the right to audit claims submitted.

      Final Report (required at the end of the project) detailing:
    1. Achievement of milestones and deliverables as set out in the above project plan, and any deviations from the activities or budget specified in the application.
    2. Significant accomplishments and performance measures of the project including innovation, economic, and commercialization metrics.
    3. Actual project expenditures and partner contributions.
    • The Ontario Applicant will receive a notification to complete the final report and claims forty-five (45) days prior to the due date.
    • All required final reports by all applicants, and partners if applicable, must be submitted within 30 days of project completion for release of final reimbursement, and to maintain good financial standing with OCE.
    • Funds will be dispersed by direct deposit based on a reconciliation of expenditures versus budget estimates, following the completion and approval of the project report.
    • Release of OCE funding will also be contingent on Israel Innovation Authority confirming successful progress of the Israel component of the project.

      Project Metrics
    • If the project continues past a fiscal year end (March 31), the Ontario Applicant, and partner if applicable, will be required to complete an annual Metrics survey each April, for the part of the project that has been completed since the previous March 31. This annual report is mandatory for OCE to fulfil its contract with its funding ministries. Required metrics reports from all partners MUST be submitted to maintain good financial standing with OCE.

      Retrospective Project Reports
      Applicants will be required to complete a brief retrospective survey on project outcomes on an annual basis for three years from the end date of the project. The retrospective survey is mandatory for OCE for assessment of program impact and continuous improvement.

      Reporting and funding release from Israel Innovation Authority to the Israeli company will follow Israel Innovation Authority funding procedures.
  7. Timelines
    Ontario Program TimelinesActivity:
    • Launch of call for Expressions of Interest (EOI)August 23, 2018
    • Deadline for EOI submissionNovember 1, 2018, 2pm ET
    • Invitation to Full Application submissionNovember 28, 2018
    • Deadline for Full Application submission in OCE’s online system, AccessOCE*January 31, 2018, 2pm ET
    • Notification of resultsApril, 2019
    • Contracting and first disbursement of funds**May, 2019
       *Mandatory to include i) Letter of Intent (LOI) on IP rights and commercialization strategy**Disbursement of funds subject to completion of OCE and Israel Innovation Authority funding agreements


The Israel Innovation Authority will provide funding of up to 50% (+regional incentives, if applicable) of the approved R&D.
In addition, The ICI Fund’s investment will be at least at the level of the Israel Innovation grant support (max of 50% approved budget as per Israeli applicable laws and regulations).
The program will support collaboration projects for up to 24 months. 
Upon approval from both parties, Israeli companies will be entitled to 12 months of financial support, and will be eligible for a second year of funding subject to review of the project milestones.

Funding awarded by the Israel Innovation Authority will be granted upon approval from both parties and shall comply with the Israeli laws and regulations for Industrial R&D.
For more information regarding the Israeli laws and regulations, please refer to the Israel Innovation Authority’s Hebrew site.

Application Process

Phase 1: Expression of Interest 

Please complete an Expression of interest form (EOI) (available bellow via downloads) and email the form by November 28th, 2018 to Mr. Jonathan Cohen, Jonathan.Cohen@innovationisrael.org.il

Phase 2: Funding Application

Due by January, 31st, 2019.

Please submit an online funding application to the Israel Innovation Authority. 

  1. Please read the instructions and regulations carefully before submitting the funding application.  
    For instruction on how to submit the Israel Innovation Funding Application:
    Please click here for Hebrew.     
    Please click here for English
  2. Please attach the EOI form to the funding application under “additional attachments”.  
  3. For online submission (Hebrew only), please click here
  4. After submitting the funding application, please email Mr. Jonathan Cohen the file number you receive, or your company number. 


OICP EOI Form downloadable file
OICP Proposal Application downloadable file
OICP Eligible Expenses downloadable file
OICP Partner Search Form R&D cooporation Program Ontario-Israel downloadable file
Ontario- Israel R&D Cooperation OCE Funding Agreement downloadable file