Israel – CABHI 3rd Call for Proposals

תיאור הקול הקורא


Canada-Israel Collaboration Program

For more information on this program’s latest call for proposal: click here

Program Description

The Centre for Aging + Brain Health Innovation (CABHI) and Israel Innovation Authority are excited to launch their third round of the Canada-Israel Collaboration Program. This program is intended to accelerate the evaluation and adoption of innovative products and services that address the needs of aging adults and the challenges presented by an aging population.

CABHI and Israel Innovation Authority invite Israeli companies to apply for the opportunity to trial their solutions with leading seniors care organizations from across Canada. Successful applicants will be partnered with one or more seniors care organizations and their pilot project will receive up-to CAD $250,000 in matching-fund support. Projects must last between 12-15 months and commence by September 2018.

It is expected that through this testing process, companies will be able to derive scientific evidence and user validation for their products or services, which is then intended to provide a stronger foundation for future uptake of their products or services by seniors’ care organizations. Applicants must have a matured product or service that they would like to test with older adults at a Canadian trial partner site.

Innovation Themes
In 2018, the Centre’s focus will be on testing innovative solutions that are aimed at addressing the specific themes listed below:

  1. Aging in place: solutions that enable older adults with dementia to maximize their choice, independence and quality of life to enable aging in the most appropriate setting 
  2. Caregiver support: solutions that support caregivers (formal and informal) in providing care to older adults with dementia
  3. Care coordination and navigation: solutions that help older adults, caregivers and healthcare providers coordinate care and transitions for older adults with dementia
  4. Cognitive health: solutions that focus on health promotion, prevention, early diagnostics, and slow progression of cognitive impairment for aging adults

All project applications must focus on one or more of the themes mentioned above. The product or service proposed must be sufficiently advanced in terms of technological development, and sufficiently supported by the applicant’s company in order to sustain a 12 to15 month trial (project time period includes writing of final project report). The product or service must have obtained all required regulatory approvals and be ready to be tested with human subjects. Selected projects will be expected to commence by September 2018.

For further details and guidelines, please download the attached Call for Proposals document.
