Argentina and Israel call for EUREKA joint R&D&I projects

תיאור הקול הקורא

Participating Agencies

Israel Innovation Authority
Secretariat of Government for Science, Technology and Productive Innovation, Argentina


The Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology (MECCyT) through its Secretariat of Government for Science, Technology and Productive Innovation (SGCTeIP) from Argentina, and the Israel Innovation Authority from Israel, are announcing this call for proposals for joint R&D projects, focusing on developing innovative products and applications in all technological and market areas. Applicants are expected to develop ready to market solutions or projects which have strong market potential for Argentina and Israel. 
This call invites projects in ALL thematic areas, reflecting the bottom-up approach of the EUREKA Network projects.

Relevant Technologies

All Technology Sectors


Eligible partners are invited to present joint proposals for industrial R&D projects according to the following criteria:

  • The partners should include at least 2 independent companies, one from Argentina and one from Israel. Participation of research institutes/universities and other organizations is welcome as self-funded participants or subcontractors according to each country’s funding regulations.
  • Organizations from other countries may also participate, but they will not be funded by the national authorities formally committed to this call.
  • The project partners must express their will to cooperate to the development of a new product, industrial process or service. The product, process or service must be innovative and there must be a technological risk involved.
  • The project should have an obvious advantage and added value resulting from the technological cooperation between the participants from the countries (e.g. increased knowledge base, commercial leads, access to R&D infrastructure etc.).
  • The project should demonstrate the contribution of all participants and the project must be significant to them.
  • The participants are required, prior to obtain the EUREKA label, to have signed a consortium agreement.

Any partner whose cooperative R&D project is consistent with the aforesaid criteria can apply to the present announcement in accordance with the national laws, rules, regulations and procedures in effect.


Maximum award from Israel Innovation Authority: typically up to 50% of the Israeli R&D cost + regional (development zones) incentives.
The program will support collaboration projects for up to 24 months. 
Upon approval from both parties, Israeli companies will be entitled to 12 months of financial support, and will be eligible for a second year of funding subject to review of the project milestones.
Funding awarded by the Israel Innovation Authority will be granted upon approval from the Argentinian partner and shall comply with the Israeli rules and regulations for Industrial R&D (link in Hebrew).  

Application Process

Phase 1 

Expression of Interest 

Please complete an the Eureka Application form (in English) and email the form by December 11th, 2019, to Mr. Alan Hofman,

Phase 2 

Funding Application due by December 11th, 2019

Please submit an online funding application to the Israel Innovation Authority. 

  1. Please read the instructions and regulations carefully before submitting the funding application.  
    For instruction on how to submit the Israel Innovation Funding Application:
    Please click here for Hebrew.   
    Please click here for English
  2. Please attach the Eureka Application form (in English) to the funding application under “additional attachments”.  
  3. For online submission (Hebrew only), please click here. 
  4. After submitting the funding application, please email Mr. Alan Hofman the file number you receive, or your company number.