As a leading global innovation country in the field of alternative proteins, the Israel Innovation Authority orchestrated a delegation to Switzerland in September, showcasing 10 remarkable Israeli startup companies. The primary objective was to fortify partnerships, foster innovation, and explore new horizons in the realm of food technology.
In this pursuit, we aimed to propel Israel into a global leadership position in FoodTech, emphasizing collaborations with Israeli startups. We collaborated with key stakeholders including the Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations & International Organizations in Geneva, The Good Food Institute, Israel Export Institute, Swiss Food & Nutrition Valley and C4IR Israel. The ultimate goal of the C4IR Israel is to promote Israeli startups and establish Israel as a global leading hub for technological innovations.

The collaboration with the C4IR network and the World Economic Forum (WEF), enabled the delegation to be hosted by several key stakeholders, including WEF, Givudan, Migros and many more. The Israeli companies were given the opportunity to introduce their work on food and innovation, enabling their hosts to learn about Israeli startups in food tech enhance collaboration and promote global impact, and further the partnership to find global solutions to alternative protein’s main barriers together with GFI Israel.

Our engagement included initiating a dialogue with The Cultured Hub, a center specializing in scaling up cultured meat, creating pathways for collaboration with Israeli companies and potential partnerships linking infrastructure in Israel with The Cultured Hub.
Additionally, we are committed to jointly exploring in-depth research activities with GDI concerning technology adoption in the FoodTech sector. These collective initiatives underscore our unwavering commitment to driving impactful change, fostering innovation, and establishing enduring partnerships in the global FoodTech landscape.
Delegation companies include:
Anina Culinary art– Using a fusion of innovative technology, expertise in design and knowledge in culinary arts, ANINA created an entirely new eating experience packed in a pod. Super nutritious ready meals made from unwanted upcycled vegetables that give the vegetables the leading role of the show.
Blue Tree Technologies Ltd – BlueTree has developed a technology, a system, and a product, for 100% squeezed natural Orange Juice with a physically-selectively reduced content of sugar (up to 50%). Applicable to any high sugar natural liquids. Global industry leaders found Blue Tree’s 30% reduced sugar Orange Juice tasty and promising.
Incredo (formerly DouxMatok) – Incredo® Sugar is a sugar reduction solution that provides anywhere between 30%-50% reduction of sugar in food and snacks such as cakes, cookies, chocolate, candy and more, with no compromise to the taste or the level of sweetness.
Meat.The End Inc.-MTE combines deep experience in extrusion with protein science, data science and food engineering. The technology we develop controls and modifies protein texture for the meat analogue industry. This next-generation technology allows us to re-invent protein ingredients through optimization processes and generate texture that achieves what the food-industry needs.
More Foods – More Foods creates novel and tasty meat alternative products by using plant based unexplored side streams and ingredients from the food industry.
NextFerm (TASE: NXFR)-Protevin™ is a revolutionary vegan protein. It is the first highly digestible, non-GMO, whole protein that can replace animal derived protein without compromising on nutrition, taste & performance. Its nutritional value enables a faster muscle mass regeneration with minimal protein intake compared to other vegan solutions thus, presenting the most competitive alternative to whey protein.
SavorEat -SavorEat’s new generation of meat alternative products recreate the unique experience, taste and texture of meat without a single animal in sight. Using a combination of a revolutionary chef robot, proprietary 3D printing technology, and unique non-GMO plant-based ingredients.
Solutum Technologies Ltd– a novel eco-friendly compound to standardize biodegradable packaging in the market.
Tadbik -Tadbik is an industry leader of advanced Flexible Packaging, Labels & Sleeves, Packaging Equipment, and RFID and Packing Experiences.
YORAN Imaging-Yoran Imaging is the developer of Packaging Analytical Monitoring (PAM), a nonintrusive inline inspection system for heat-sealed packages that does not result in production slowdown. Combining thermal imaging technology with advanced real-time algorithms, PAM can be used for containers, blisters, canisters, pouches, sachets, and tubes.