Israel-RutaN (Colombia) Smart Cities – Calls for Proposals – Pilot Validation

Open Date:


Deadline for Submission:


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The Israel Innovation Authority and Corporación Ruta N are launching a pilot and validation program.

In this program, Israeli companies will have the opportunity to partner with foreign entities for the express purpose of validating, scaling up and adapting their innovations to foreign environments.

The goal of the project is to co-develop or test impactful technologies, products, services and devices with an Colombian company and penetrate into the Colombian market and beyond.

The opportunity in this program is for Israeli companies to utilize and integrate their technologies and obtain validation and testing for their technology in addition to customer and commercial links.
This program will provide Innovative Israeli companies with the ability to access the centers expertise to:

  • Validate their technology
  • Preform clinical trials
  • Adapt their technology to market needs
  • Acquire regulatory experience and commercialization channels

Relevant Technologies

Smart mobility, Digital City, Energy, Smart Building, Environment, Public Safety

Participating Agencies

Israel Innovation Authority
Corporación Ruta N, Medellin, Colombia

Program Description

See additional information on the projects offered by Colombian companies include:


The Israel Innovation Authority will provide funding of up to 50% of the approved pilot validation costs.
The Authority will provide an additional funding of 10% to companies located in the periphery of Israel (In addition to the budget approved for R&D costs).

Furthermore, the Israeli company will be eligible for in-kind support from the Colombian company.
For more information regarding in-kind support and the available projects for product adaptation, please click here.

Upon approval from both parties, Israeli companies will be entitled to 12 months of financial support, and will be eligible for a second year of funding subject to review of the project milestones.
The program will support collaboration projects for up to 24 months overall.

Funding awarded by the Israel Innovation Authority will be granted upon approval from both parties and shall comply with the Israeli laws and regulations for Industrial R&D.
For more information regarding Israeli laws and regulations, please refer to the Israel Innovation Authority’s Hebrew site.


Relevant technology sectors include:

  • Electric Mobility, Autonomous Mobility, Smart Mobility, Vehicle Technology.
  • Digital city
  • Information city
  • Cognitive Smart City
  • Energy, street lighting, smart buildings, distributed energy resources (DER), data analytics, and smart transportation.
  • Environment
  • Public safety

Israeli companies are asked to submit project proposals for the validation testing of products, processes, services, and/or technologies.
Projects may include:

  1. The participation of at least one company from each country is mandatory. Research institutes and other companies may participate as partners or subcontractors in the cooperation project, respecting the financing rules of each country.
  2. The project should present a clear competitive advantage and differentiated value proposition as a result of cooperation between the participants of the two countries (increase of knowledge base, access to R&D infrastructure, new fields of application, for example).
  3. Companies should present a strategy which, given their technological, commercial and financial aspects, demonstrates their potential to introduce the new product / process / service into the markets of both countries and/or third countries.
  4. Partners in Israel and in Colombia should be able to implement the project and finance their respective shares.
  5. The project should include innovative technology and knowledge applications/ product customization/ near commercialization or new market creation activities
  6. Any partnership whose cooperative R&D project is consistent with the above criteria may present it in this program in accordance with applicable national laws, rules, regulations and procedures.

Application Process

Phase 1:

Expression of Interest due by July 8, 2019 

Please complete an Expression of interest form (EOI) (available bellow via downloads) or a draft MOU and email the forms to Mr. Alan Hofman:

Companies will receive feedback on eligible cooperation forms on July 22, 2019.  

Eligible companies may peruse to phase 2.

Phase 2:

Israel Innovation Authority Funding Application submission due by September 26th, 2019 (14:00 Israel Time)

  1. Please read the instructions and regulations carefully before submitting the funding application.
    For instruction on how to submit the Israel Innovation Funding Application:
    Please click here for Hebrew.
    Please click here for English
  2. Please attach the EOI form to the funding application under “additional attachments”.
  3. For online submission (Hebrew only), please click here.
  4. After submitting the funding application, please email Alan Hofman the file number you receive, or your company number.

For additional information, please contact:

Name: Klita Department (For funding questions)
Organization: Israel Innovation Authority
Name: Technical Support
Organization: Israel Innovation Authority
Name: Alan Hofman
Organization: Israel Innovation Authority


Programs Guidelines downloadable file
Projects per Companies downloadable file
Expression of Interest Form.doc downloadable file