Co-finances new or existing doctoral programmes and postdoctoral fellowship schemes with the aim of spreading the best practices of the MSCA including international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary research training, as well as transnational and cross-sectoral mobility of researchers at all stages of their career.
MSCA-COFUND supports the recruitment and the research training activities of doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers in international mobility, promotes high standards in the recruitment process and offers excellent working conditions.
Types of MSCA-COFUND programmes:
Doctoral programmes: Supports the recruitment and research training activities of doctoral candidates, i.e. researchers without a doctoral degree who are enrolled in a doctoral programme during the project, at the deadline of the co-funded programme’s call.
Postdoctoral programmes: Supports the recruitment and research training activities of postdoctoral researchers, i.e. researchers with a doctoral degree, at the deadline of the co-funded programme’s call.
Who can apply?
- The application can be made by a single legal entity (beneficiary) established in member state (MS) or Horizon Europe associated country (AC) (e.g. Israel), from any sector or discipline.
- The beneficiary will submit a co-funding proposal for new or existing doctoral or postdoctoral programs that contribute to the R&I by enhancing the human resources at the regional, national or international level.
- The beneficiary will manage the doctoral or postdoctoral programmes.
- Collaboration with additional organisations (associated partners), including organisations from different sectors, that may host, train or offer secondment opportunities in their facilities, will be taken into account positively during the evaluation.
- Proposals can cover any research discipline.
Target Group
- Researchers can be of any nationality
- Career stage: starting with doctoral candidates to postdoctoral researchers
- The entire action duration is up to 5 years (60 months).
- The duration includes the time involved in selecting and recruiting the researchers.
- The minimum supported fellowship duration per supported researcher is 3 months on the basis of full-time employment.
- Secondments duration are up to 1/3 of the entire fellowship duration.
- At least 3 researchers will be recruited per project under an employment contract or equivalent direct contract with full social security coverage.
- Upon recruitment, the supervisor and the researcher shall jointly establish a career development plan that will be revised (and updated if needed) within 18 months of employment.
Mobility Rule
Researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the recruiting beneficiary for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before their recruitment date.
Additional Conditions
Doctoral programmes: Researchers must be enrolled in a doctoral programme leading to the award of a doctoral degree in at least one EU member state or Horizon Europe associated country.
Postdoctoral programmes:
- If the main part of the research training activity does not take place in a non-EU member state or Horizon Europe associated country (outgoing phase), then a mandatory return period of 12 months at the premises of the beneficiary or the recruiting implementing partner is required.
- During the mandatory 12-months return period to the host organisation, there will not be secondments to an EU member states or Horizon Europe associated countries.
- A maximum of 3 months can be spent in the country of the beneficiary by the researcher at the start of the action before the outgoing phase.
- Postdoctoral researchers who were employed by the hosting organisation before the project began will not be supported.
- If the main part of the research training activities takes place in a non-EU member state or Horizon Europe associated country, the researcher must be a national or long-term resident of an MS or an AC.
Maximum €10 million per beneficiary per call
Contributions for recruited researchers and institutional contributions per person-month: EUR 3,300 for doctoral programmes and EUR 4,700 for postdoctoral programmes.
If applicable, allowances for long-term leave and special needs.
For more information on the funding please refer to the MSCA-COFUND Applicable Unit Contributions.
For more information on the call please refer to the full MSCA-COFUND Work Programme, European Commission page on COFUND, the MSCA-COFUND Guide for Applicants and How to Apply to Horizon Europe MSCA.
How ISERD can assist you
- Proofreading and evaluation feedback. Full proposals must be submitted at least one month in advance of the call’s deadline.
- Guidance and support
- Partner search
It is highly recommended that you read the unofficial COFUND 2024 Handbook, prepared by the network of the National Contact Points for MSCA based on their vast experience and knowledge of the programme, procedures and applicants.
Further information:
MSCA COFUND FAQ at the MSCA.NET Blog – Unique FAQ asked by applicants worldwide and explained by the National Contact Points of the programme
Net4Mobility+ Blog The MSCA Horizon 2020 programmes (2014-2020) explained by National Contact Points
CORDIS Portal – Lists funded MSCA-COFUND projects
Success stories
Dr. Kristjan Vassil, University of Tartu, Estonia, supported by the 7th European Framework Programme (FP7) MSCA-COFUND, 2016
“Bio4Med project” – Biological Bases of Human Diseases, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Poland, supported by Horizon 2020 MSCA-COFUND, 2017
Net4Mobility+ Blog The MSCA Horizon 2020 programmes (2014-2020) explained by National Contact Points
Contact us
For questions regarding the call and its submission requirements please contact the MSCA team at ISERD.