The Joint Research Centre (JRC) is the European Commission’s science and evidence-based knowledge service. It employs scientists that carry out research to provide independent scientific advice and support to European Union (EU) policy in order to positively impact society. It also contributes to the overall objectives of the Horizon Europe program.


Composed of strategy, coordination, knowledge production, knowledge management and support directorates that are located in various EU countries.

Science Areas

The JRC research activities are clustered into ten science areas:

What does the JRC offer?

JRC’s Strategy

The program’s revitalized Strategy 2030 aims to bring added value through their work, with the help of their three core strengths:

JRC’s Program Advantages

The JRC program is suitable for:

Who is eligible to participate in the program?

Any legal entity, regardless of its place of establishment, including legal entities from non-associated third countries or international organisations (including international European research organisations) is eligible to participate (whether it is eligible for funding or not), provided that the conditions laid down in the Horizon Europe Regulation have been met, along with any other conditions laid down in the specific call/topic

What are the Requirements of Applicants?

Form of grant, funding rate and maximum grant amount

The grant parameters (maximum grant amount, funding rate, total eligible costs, etc.) will be fixed in the grant agreement. The project budget is provided in EUR. The amount of the grant awarded may be lower than the amount requested.

The maximum Horizon Europe funding rates are as follows:

*Other funding rates may be set out in the specific call/topic conditions.