Ecosystems collaboration within low R&I performing countries to strengthen regional innovation excellence

What is the Excellence Hubs action?

The Excellence Hubs action supports partnerships of place-based innovation ecosystems in low R&I performing countries (“Widening Countries“) involving larger communities of actors in a regional context, based on the quadruple helix principle.

Type of action: Coordination and Support Action (CSA), funding networking, coordination or support services, policy dialogues and mutual learning exercises and studies.

Who can apply?

Consortia must include at least two different place-based R&I ecosystems in at least two different Widening Countries.

Each ecosystem needs to include four different categories of actors:

  1. Academic institutions: Universities and/or non-university research centers or labs
  2. Business entities: Active established firms with relevant revenues
  3. Public authorities or authorised agencies.
  4. Societal actors: Civil society organisations, associations, citizens, end-users, media, cultural actors, etc.

Consultants and start-ups may participate if duly justified.

To a limited extent, participants from other EU member states, associated countries (e.g. Israel) and international co-operation partners may join in duly justified cases, for example, given by specific expertise needed or the involvement in a relevant value-adding chain or as long as they prove added value by facilitating access to excellence for the Widening Countries.

Each ecosystem needs to be represented by one or more umbrella organisation or individual entity. For large ecosystems, preferably two representatives – one research partner and one business partner.

Expected outcomes

Scope highlights

Funding and duration

Project duration: Up to four years.

Eligible costs

Research and Innovation costs: The research component should be developed by joint pilot research projects in a domain covered by a joint strategy that facilitates long-term cross-border and intersectoral collaborative links between partners, notably academia and business, and advancement in science and technology with market potential.

The realisation of such pilots and demonstrators must be financed by other sources, in particular programmes co-financed by the ERDF. The approach to accessing such co-funding at a later stage should be sketched out in the proposal.

Total research and innovation should be up to 30% of the total requested budget.

Complementary activities: The activities will promote knowledge and technology transfer, mutual learning and skills development, especially in research and innovation management and entrepreneurship, as well as citizen engagement. In addition, mutual secondments and staff exchange are also supported in order to build long-term collaborations.

Expected EU contribution per project: Varies in accordance with call’s budget.

For more information, please refer to the full Excellence Hubs – Widening 2023-2025 Work Programme.

How ISERD can assist you

Further Information

Contact Us

For questions regarding the call and its submission requirements please contact the Widening team at ISERD.