The ERC is the main funding scheme for frontier basic research grants, provide attractive, long-term funding to support excellent investigators (Principal Investigators) and their research teams to pursue ground-breaking and ambitious research. Research funded by the ERC is expected to lead to advances at the frontiers of knowledge and to set a clear and inspirational target for frontier research across Europe. The ERC also awards complementary funding for the Principal Investigators funded by its main grants, in order to fulfil its mission of supporting new ways of working in the scientific world, and raising the profile of frontier research in Europe, as well as the visibility of ERC programmes to researchers across Europe and internationally.

Excellence is the sole criterion on the basis of which ERC frontier research grants are awarded.

For the full 2025 work programme, press here.

ERC main frontier research grants include the following:

Starting Grant

Support for excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are starting their own independent research team or programme. They must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their research proposal and should have already shown evidence of their potential for research independence, for example, by having produced at least one important publication as the main author or without the participation of their PhD supervisor.

Eligible Principal Investigator: Principal Investigator(s) who have successfully defended their first Ph.D. between ≥ 2 and ≤ 7 years prior to 1 January 2025.

Project duration: Up to 5 years

Funding: Up to EUR 1,500,000 (additional funding up to EUR 1,000,000).

Principal Investigators’ minimum working time on the ERC project: 50%.

Starting panels:  Starting results:  
Panel Chairs ERC Starting Grant 2024List of all selected researchers 2024 — all domains
Panel Members ERC Starting Grant 2023List of all selected researchers 2023 – all domains
Panel Members ERC Starting Grant 2022List of all selected researchers 2022 – all domains
Panel Members ERC Starting Grant 2021List of all selected researchers 2021 – all domains
Panel Members ERC Starting Grant 2020List of all selected researchers 2020 – all domains
Panel Members ERC Starting Grant 2019List of all selected researchers 2019 – all domains
Panel Members ERC Starting Grant 2018List of all selected researchers 2018 – all domains
Panel Members ERC Starting Grant 2017List of all selected researchers 2017 – all domains
Panel Members ERC Starting Grant 2016List of all selected researchers 2016 – all domains
Panel Members ERC Starting Grant 2015List of all selected researchers 2015 – all domains
Panel Members ERC Starting Grant 2014List of all selected researchers 2014 – all domains

Consolidator Grant

Support for excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they may still be consolidating their own independent research team or programme. They must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their research proposal and should have already shown evidence of research independence.

Eligible Principal Investigator: Principal Investigator(s) who have successfully defended their first Ph.D. between ≥ 7 and ≤ 12 years prior to 1 January 2025.

Project duration: Up to 5 years

Funding: Up to EUR 2,000,000 (additional funding up to EUR 1,000,000).

Principal Investigators’ minimum working time on the ERC project: 40%.

Consolidator panels:Consolidator results:
Panel Chairs ERC Consolidator Grant 2024   
Panel Members ERC Consolidator Grant 2023  List of all selected researchers 2023 – all domains
Panel Members ERC Consolidator Grant 2022  List of all selected researchers 2022 – all domains
Panel Members ERC Consolidator Grant 2021  List of all selected researchers 2021 – all domains
Panel Members ERC Consolidator Grant 2020  List of all selected researchers 2020 – all domains
Panel Members ERC Consolidator Grant 2019  ERC-2019-Consolidator – all domains + List of the 17 extra researchers by country of host institution
Panel Members ERC Consolidator Grant 2018  List of all selected researchers 2018 – all domains
Panel Members ERC Consolidator Grant 2017  List of all selected researchers 2017 – all domains
Panel Members ERC Consolidator Grant 2016  List of all selected researchers 2016 – all domains
Panel Members ERC Consolidator Grant 2015  List of all selected researchers 2015 – all domains
Panel Members ERC Consolidator Grant 2014List of all selected researchers 2014 – all domains

Advanced Grant

Support for excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are already established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements. They must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their research proposal and are expected to be active researchers and to have a track record of significant research achievements.

Project duration: Up to 5 years

Funding: Up to EUR 2,500,000 (additional funding up to EUR 1,000,000).

Principal Investigators’ minimum working time on the ERC project: 30%.

Advanced panels:  Advanced results:  
Panel Chairs ERC Advanced Grant 2024   
Panel Members ERC Advanced Grant 2023  List of all selected researchers 2023 – all domains
Panel Members ERC Advanced Grant 2022  List of all selected researchers 2022 – all domains
Panel Members ERC Advanced Grant 2021  List of all selected researchers 2021 – all domains
Panel Members ERC Advanced Grant 2020  List of all selected researchers 2020– all domains
Panel Members ERC Advanced Grant 2019  List of all selected researchers 2019 – all domains
Panel Members ERC Advanced Grant 2018  List of all selected researchers 2018 – all domains
Panel Members ERC Advanced Grant 2017  List of all selected researchers 2017 – all domains
Panel Members ERC Advanced Grant 2016  List of all selected researchers 2016 – all domains
Panel Members ERC Advanced Grant 2015  List of all selected researchers 2015 – all domains
Panel Members ERC Advanced Grant 2014  List of all selected researchers 2014 – all domains

Synergy Grant

Support for a small group of 2-4 Principal Investigators to jointly address ambitious research problems that could not be addressed by the individual Principal Investigators and their teams working alone. 

Synergy Grant groups are expected to demonstrate that they can successfully bring together those elements – such as skills, knowledge, experience, expertise, disciplines, methods, approaches, teams, access to infrastructures – necessary to address the scope and complexity of the proposed research question. Applicants are expected to describe the contribution of each PI, their team and the resources to achieve the objectives proposed.

The transformative research funded by Synergy Grants should have the potential of becoming a benchmark on a global scale.

Principal Investigators at any career stage are welcome and must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their research proposal.

The Principal Investigators in the group must have competitive track records as appropriate to their career stage.

Project duration: Up to 6 years

Funding: Up to EUR 10,000,000 (additional funding up to EUR 4,000,000).

Principal Investigators’ minimum working time on the ERC project: 30% for each Principal Investigator.

Synergy panels:  Synergy results:  
Panel Chairs ERC Synergy Grant 2024   
Panel Members ERC Synergy Grant 2023
Panel Chairs ERC Synergy Grant 2023  
List of all selected researchers 2023    
Panel Members ERC Synergy Grant 2022
Panel Chairs ERC Synergy Grant 2022  
List of all selected researchers 2022    
No Synergy call in 2021  No Synergy call in 2021  
Panel Members ERC Synergy Grant 2020
Panel Chairs ERC Synergy Grant 2020  
List of all selected researchers 2020    
Panel Members ERC Synergy Grant 2019
Panel Chairs ERC Synergy Grant 2019  
List of all selected researchers 2019    
Panel Members ERC Synergy Grant 2018
Panel Chairs ERC Synergy Grant 2018
List of all selected researchers 2018    
Panel Members ERC Synergy Grant 2013
Panel Chairs ERC Synergy Grant 2013
List of all selected researchers 2013  
Panel Chairs ERC Synergy Grant 2012  List of all selected researchers 2012  

Proof of Concept Grant

Frontier research often generates radically new ideas that drive innovation and business inventiveness and tackle societal challenges. The ERC Proof of Concept Grants aim at facilitating exploration of the commercial and social innovation potential of ERC funded research and are therefore available only to Principal Investigators whose proposals draw substantially on their ERC funded research.

Eligible Principal Investigator: Principal Investigators in an ongoing ERC main grant, or Principal Investigators in an ERC main grant that ended after 1 January 2024.

Project duration: 18 months

Funding: EUR 150,000 as a lump sum

Proof of Concept panels:  Proof of Concept results:  
 List of all selected researchers 2024: 
First round
Panel Members ERC Proof of Concept 2023List of all selected researchers 2023: 
First round
second round  
Panel Members ERC Proof of Concept 2022  List of all selected researchers 2022: 
First round
Second round
Third round
Panel Members ERC Proof of Concept 2020  List of all selected researchers 2020: 
First round
Second round
Third round
Panel Members ERC Proof of Concept 2019  List of all selected researchers 2019: 
First round
Second round
Third round
Panel Members ERC Proof of Concept 2018  List of all selected researchers 2018: 
First round
Second round
Third round
Panel Members ERC Proof of Concept 2017  List of all selected researchers 2017  
Panel Members ERC Proof of Concept 2016  List of all selected researchers 2016: 
First round
Second round
Third round  
Panel Members ERC Proof of Concept 2015  List of all selected researchers 2015  
Panel Members ERC Proof of Concept 2014  List of all selected researchers 2014  

Tips and tricks: