The EIC Pathfinder funding programme is dedicated to supporting early-stage, innovative, groundbreaking technologies. In this programme, you can get support to promote promising ideas and initial work up to a proof-of-concept and validation in a controlled environment. The EIC Pathfinder is suitable for any high-risk and high-gain science-towards-technology projects looking to take the initial steps toward market. The EIC Pathfinder offers two funding schemes, EIC Pathfinder Open (for all types of technology) and EIC Pathfinder Challenges (a challenge-driven call with specific calls for action, changing every year).

EIC Pathfinder Open 

The EIC Pathfinder Open is a call for bottom-up proposals that have all the following characteristics:

Who can apply? 

A consortium of at least three independent legal entities (“beneficiaries”), each established in a different EU member state or Horizon Europe associated country (e.g. Israel); at least one member of the consortium must come from an EU member state.    


Additionally, funded projects are eligible to:


In 2025 there will be one submission deadline: 11 March 2025 at 17:00 Brussels time. Proposals are limited to 20 pages and must follow the provided template.

Evaluation Process

EIC Pathfinder Challenges 

The EIC Pathfinder Challenges call is for proposals in specific fields that have all the following characteristics:

For 2024, the EIC Pathfinder challenges are:

Portfolio approach

For every challenge, a variety of required solutions is mentioned. Every proposal must select one area to focus on. Every solution type will be represented in the list of selected projects, and the projects are required to collaborate on shared activities such as conferences, webinars, website, cross-promotion and more. Proposals should consider the expenses and person-months required for portfolio activities when creating a budget.

Application requirements

Application is available in 3 different formats:


Additionally, funded projects are eligible to:


In 2024 there will be one submission deadline: 16 October 2024  at 17:00 Brussels  time. Proposals are limited to 30 pages and must follow the provided template.

Evaluation Process

The EIC Pathfinder work programme 2024

The EIC Pathfinder Open proposal template

The EIC Pathfinder Open Annotated template

The EIC Challenges proposal template

For ISERD support.

For questions and more information: