What is the EIC Accelerator?

The EIC Accelerator is a funding programme under Horizon Europe that offers support to start-ups and SMEs that:

Who can apply?

You can apply if you meet one of the following eligibility conditions:

– You are legally registered Israeli company that meets the EU definition of a Small-Medium Enterprise (SME) or a small mid-cap of up to 499 employees (mid-caps can only apply for commercialization and market deployment activities and are not eligible for grant only funding), legally registered in Israel or Europe.- You are an entrepreneur(s) who plans to incorporate an SME in Israel or Europe. 

– You are intending to invest in an eligible SME or a small mid-cap (if selected for funding, the contract will be signed with the eligible company).


The funding offered is divided into two components: 

  1. Grant: Non-dilutive, up to EUR2.5 million, for innovation activities (TRL 5-8)
  2. Direct equity investment: Dilutive, up to EUR 15 million, for market deployment (TRL 9) and scale-up (above TRL 9)

Submission options 

  1. EIC Accelerator Open

Fully bottom-up projects, open to proposals in any field of technology 

  1. EIC Accelerator Challenges

For projects that match one of the pre-defined topics of the EIC Accelerator Challenges 

How to apply for the EIC Accelerator?

A diagram of a full proposal

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The application process includes 3 steps:

  1. Step 1 Short proposal                                                                                                                

Open for submission all year long and contains the following submittal items:

Evaluation: GO/NO GO feedback will be provided within 6 weeks by 4 independent evaluators. If you received at least 3 GOs out of 4, you will be invited to submit a full proposal (by the end of the next calendar year).

  1. Step 2  Full proposal 

Open for submission twice a year (according to predefined deadlines), for applicants who successfully passed Step 1. Includes the following submittal items:

Evaluation: GO/NO GO feedback will be provided within 9 weeks by 3 evaluators. The decision needs to be unanimous.

Next cut-off date: 3 October 2024

  1. Step 3 Pitch and interview: Applicants who successfully passed Step 2 will be invited to face-to-face interviews in Brussels with an EIC jury as the final step in the selection process.