Israel-Poland Joint Innovation Projects

Open Date:


Deadline for Submission:


Time zone:



NCBR in Poland and the Israel Innovation Authority cooperate bilaterally on all innovation topics. With this call, they invite consortia to submit cooperation projects covering areas of mutual interest and a strong market potential in Israel and Poland

Relevant Technologies

All technologies

Participating Agencies

Israel Innovation Authority
National Center for Research and Development - Poland

Program Description

Israel Innovation Authority and the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) will support joint R&D projects involving parties from both countries. 
Approved projects will be provided access to the relevant national public funding scheme for joint projects provided by Israel Innovation Authority and by the NCBR  respectively


The support offered is detailed in the incentive program for Bilateral R&D with International Partners


The project will be evaluated under three main criteria:

  • Impact
    • Is the market properly addressed in terms of size, access and risk?
    • Is the value creation in terms of growth, employment, environmental and societal benefits properly addressed
    • What would be the competitive advantages resulting from the project?
    • Are the commercialization plans (market and implementation plan) clear and realistic?
  • Excellence
    • What is the degree of innovation?
      • The innovation aspect of a project must go beyond the international state of the art.
    • How is the new knowledge going to be used?
    • Is the project scientifically and technically challenging for the partners?
    • Are technical achievability & risks conveniently addressed?
  • Project Quality
    • Is the scope of the project clear and well defined?
    • Are project goals & milestones well-planned, realistic and clearly defined?
    • Is the cost structure reasonable?
    • Are the proposed procedures and resources justified?
  • Project Consortia & efficiency of the implementation
    • Does the consortia have complementary excellence and expertise?
    • Is there added value through international co-operation?
    • Management ability to successfully carry out the project and implement the results?
    • Mutual advancement of R&D through transfer of knowledge and expertise.

Application Process

The deadline for submission is ‏29/06/22 at 12:00 (IST)

Submission and the approval procedures consist of one phase. This announcement invites partners to present joint proposals for R&D projects no later than June 29, 2022 at noon.

Applicants are required to follow the local requirements and use the provided application format and instructions. Proposals that are not in the approved format will not be accepted.

In addition to the local application, an Letter of Intent (LOI) and a Bilateral Application Form (BAF) must be submitted by each project partner to their respective funding organizations.

In addition to the Israeli companies’ application to the Israel Innovation Authority, their foreign partners must apply to the funding authority in their country. Applications that would not be submitted to both countries will not be approved.
