The Victoria-Israel Science & Technology Research & Development Program (VISTECH)

תיאור הקול הקורא

Participating Agencies

Victoria Agency


Bilateral program providing financial support for collaborative industrial R&D projects between Israeli and Australian companies from the state of Victoria.

For more information on this call for proposal’s program: click here

Program Description

The Victoria-Israel Science and Technology Research and Development (VISTECH) Program provides funding support for market-oriented collaborative research and development (R&D) projects by Victorian (Australia) and Israeli companies, consistent with the Cooperation Agreement in place between Victoria and Israel since 2005.  In Victoria, VISTECH is one of the programs of the Victoria Israel Science Innovation and Technology Scheme (VISITS). 
The VISTECH program is implemented by the State Government of Victoria through the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR) in Victoria, and in Israel is implemented by the Israel Innovation Authority.  Successful Israeli applicants enter into a funding agreement with the Israel Innovation Authority.  Successful Victorian applicants enter into a grant agreement with the DEDJTR. 
The VISTECH program supports collaborative R&D projects aimed at achieving commercialisation of new or improved products, processes or services that can potentially contribute to the economic development of Victoria and Israel. Support for partner-matching is also available. 
Financial support of up to AUD$250,000 per project (approximately US$225,000, depending on exchange rate) is available to Victorian-based companies, provided by the Victorian Government as a grant.  Financial support of up to 50% of approved R&D expenses is available to Israel-based companies, provided by the Israel Innovation Authority, as a conditional grant. For both Israeli and Victorian companies, financial support of up to 50% of eligible R&D expenses of approved projects are provided. 
Victorian and Israeli companies that meet the program’s eligibility criteria are invited to apply for funding support for collaborative R&D projects at any time. 
The VISTECH program is open to applications on a year-round basis. 
Interested applicants are requested to: 

  1. Read completely the VISTECH Program Guidelines 
  2. Email the program managers in Victoria and Israel to express your interest to apply (please include partner names and project topic/title) 
  3. Fill out the Phase I Application (Bilateral Application Form) together with your partner, and prepare a Letter of Intent (LOI) regarding the IP rights 
  4. Submit your joint Bilateral Application Form and LOI to the program managers in Victoria and Israel –  The Phase I Application should be identical for both partners and submitted at the same time in both countries. 

*See all relevent attachments below

Following the Phase I application submission, project applications will be reviewed and eligible applicants will be notified of Phase II procedures, which require both applicants to submit separate national applications for funding.   
In addition to access to funding schemes, VISTECH offers Israeli and Victorian companies assistance in identifying potential partners for R&D projects. This service is offered on an on-going basis.  Companies interested in this service are invited to fill out a VISTECH Partner Search Form.  
*Please note that engagement with any Victorian Government representative does not constitute endorsement of any application for funding.