Israel-Sompo (Japan) Call for Proposals under the R&D Collaboration with Multinational Corporations Program (MNC)
תיאור הקול הקורא

Participating Agencies

As the world population is getting older, elderly people are looking stay in the comfort of their home as long as possible and avoid moving into nursing homes. Challenges and opportunities arise as a result. We are looking for solutions that meet the needs of elderly population living at home as well as the health system, family members and care givers supporting them.
Sompo is looking for innovative solutions in this domain to create joint go-to-market partnerships for launching new venture that will provide services in Japan.
Categories of interest:
- Home IoT
- Digital Health
- Sensors
- Smart home
- Remote monitoring
- Robotics
- Social applications
- Cognitive practice
- Physical activity
- Access enablement for the disabled
- Health improvement
- Physical aid
- Companionship
Relevant Technologies
Home IoT, Digital Health, Sensors, IoT, Smart Home, Remote Monitoring, Robotics, Social Applications, Cognitive Practice, Physical Activity, Access enablement, Health Improvement, Physical Aid
Program Description
Sompo is a leading insurance company and one of the largest providers of nursing care services in Japan (25,500 rooms) in addition Sompo provides home based nursing services. As a global company (*), Sompo focuses on recognizing and dealing with nowadays and future challenges, aging in place a one of them.
The company is looking for solutions that support elderly population living independently at home environments. The solutions need to provide value to any of the following: The elderly person / family members / surrounding health support systems / elderly social community.
Sompo is aiming to be “A Theme Park for Security, Health & Wellbeing”. Under this vision we are looking to partner with Israeli companies in order to provide new services in Japan, that will enable elderly population to age in the comfort of their home while maintaining their health, safety and dignity and providing peace of mind to their loved ones.
The Sompo Digital Lab in Tel Aviv will support the whole process, starting with selection of the best fit companies, defining the Proof Of Concept projects (3-6 months trial in Japan) with selected companies and building the commercial collaboration with the teams of Sompo Japan.
About elderly population in Japanese market: Japan is currently the world’s oldest country, and it’s set to get even older. The number of elderly people aged 65 or older accounts for 27 percent of the 127 million total population. In 2050, it’s estimated by the government that 40% of Japan’s population will be over 65.
* Sompo is an active corporate investor in startups and has already built a rich investments portfolio in Israel.
Companies who provide products or services:
- Registered Company, financially backed by investors
- Product-Market fit – The company should demonstrate a proven fit between its solution and market needs
- Product stage: The minimum requirement is a commercially available prototype/beta that has been tested on users and demonstrated results. Ideally, commercially adopted solutions will be preferred.
- A strong team that can support a commercialization initiative overseas.
The proposals will be evaluated, on behalf of the Innovation Authority and Sompo. Companies, whose proposals are found suitable, will be invited to submit requests for support within the Innovation Authority’s Framework for R&D Cooperation with Multinational Companies Program (MNC).
Alternatively, budget can be allocate by Sompo Digital lab Tel Aviv. Decision will be made based on needs and scope of joint projects.
Application Process
Companies that are interested in applying to the Call for Proposal should send a summary proposal, including information about the company (Deck/Company’s Profile/ Executive Summary) to with a copy to