Zhejiang (China) – Israel 5th Call for Proposals

Open Date:


Phase I:


Deadline for Submission:


Time zone:



The Israel Innovation Authority, and the Zhejiang Science and Technology Department (ZSTD), on behalf of the government of Zhejiang province, operate a cooperation agreement targeting industrial R&D projects between Israeli companies and Chinese companies from Zhejiang. This bilateral program is an outcome of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the State of Israel and China’s Zhejiang province in 2014.

The program aims to facilitate joint industrial research and development projects in Product Adaptation Program.

Relevant Technologies

All Technologies

Participating Agencies

Zhejiang Science and Technology Department

Program Description


  1. Read completely the attached CFP Guidelines Document.
  2. Fill out a  Bilateral Cooperation Form (Phase I Application)   together with your partner, and prepare the Letter of Intent re: IP plan. The submitted form should be identical and filled either in English or both English and Chinese .
  3. Apply (1st phase)! Both companies (from Israel and Zhejiang) should submit their Bilateral Cooperation Form+Letter of Intent (LOI) via email to the Israeli and Zhejiang Program Managers according to the mentioned deadline.

Both Israel Innovation Authority and Zhejiang S&T Department representative will notify the companies weather they can proceed to 2nd phase submission.
2nd phase submission is done separately according to the forms, rules and regulations of Israel and Zhejiang.


In Israel – The program financial support will not exceed 50% of the eligible and approved R&D costs, in the form of a conditional grant and in accordance with Israel Innovation Authority national laws and regulations.


  1. At least two science and technology companies from the respective countries should express a desire to cooperate in the research and development of a new product or a new process.
  2. The project may involve more than one company from each side; Please note: academic/research entities are eligible to join only as sub-contractors.
  3. The product should be highly innovative with significant commercial potential. The joint industrial R&D project should aim at the development of products/processes leading to commercialization in the global market.
  4. The project partners should agree in advance on the IP rights and on the commercialization strategy of the product or process. Please note: For the submission phase, only an LOI (Letter of Intent), a preliminary agreement or draft MoU is required (the final agreement has to be presented to the funding authorities).
  5. The project should demonstrate the contribution of the participants from both countries.
  6. The project must be balanced between participants and significant to both partners.

Application Process

Online submission through the Israel Innovation Authority’s as 2nd phase application via Hebrew application platform –
Submission deadline: 13.7.2019

For the Chinese version of this Call for Proposals, please click here

For additional information, please contact:

Name: Racheli Ben-Onn
Position: Program Manager, Asia Pacific
Organization: Israel Innovation Authority


Zhejiang-Israel Bilateral Cooperation Form downloadable file
Cooperation Program - 5th Call for Proposals downloadable file
Guidelines in Hebrew downloadable file
Partner Search downloadable file
How to Fill A Bilateral Form downloadable file