KORIL Strategic Program – Bio-Convergence Call for Proposals
Open Date:
14/10/2021Deadline for Submission:
10/02/2022Time zone:
Korea Israel Industrial R&D Foundation (KORIL-RDF) is a bi-national foundation, created by the governments of the Republic of Korea and the State of Israel, whose mission is to promote & support technological collaboration in innovative R&D between commercial companies in both countries.
Relevant Technologies
Bio-Convergence fields
Participating Agencies
Program Description
KORIL-RDF seeks to promote research and development in Korea and Israel by helping Korean-based and Israel-based companies with R&D Partner Search, and Under the Strategic Program of KORIL – providing up to 50% of the R&D expense (in exceptional cases up to 70%) , with the max. grant up to 3M USD in funding for joint R&D projects, in the areas of Bio Convergence.
Relevant Technologies:
Technological companies in Korea and Israel that are interested in doing join R&D in the following areas in Bio Convergence:
- Advanced Engineered Drug Delivery & Diagnostics Systems (Bio-nanorobotics)
- Advanced therapeutics discovery systems
- Tissue Engineering – 3D bio-printing & Cyborg tissues
- Bio-electronics & electroceuticals and Bio Sensors & hybrid devices
* This program is operated under the Authority’s incentive program for Bilateral Funds in Hebrew and in English as well as on the Israel-Korea Fund (KORIL) website.
The KORIL-RDF total project funding will be up to 50% of the eligible cost (in exceptional cases up to 70%) and up to 3 Million USD. (contingent on the quality of the proposal and available funding)
Project duration is up to 3 years
The support offered is detailed in the Authority’s incentive program for Bilateral Funds in Hebrew and in English as well as on the Israel-Korea Fund (KORIL) website.
- Companies from Israel and Korea that are collaborating to develop a joint technological and innovative project in the areas of Bio Convergence are eligible to submit a proposal for grant:
- Advanced Engineered Drug Delivery & Diagnostics Systems (Bio-nanorobotics)
- Advanced therapeutics discovery systems
- Tissue Engineering – 3D bio-printing & Cyborg tissues
- Bio-electronics & electroceuticals and Bio Sensors & hybrid devices
- The products that are developed under these joint initiatives must be market oriented, have potential for commercialization, and applicable to civil use.
- The application must be jointly submitted by a Korean-registered company and an Israel-registered company. Either company must not have more than 20% shareholding in the partnering company.
- The joint project must be undertaken in Korea and Israel. At least 30% of the actual R&D work must be done in Korea as well as in Israel.
The preconditions and criteria for evaluation are detailed in the Authority’s incentive program for Bilateral Funds in Hebrew and in English as well as on the Israel-Korea Fund (KORIL) website.
Application Process
Submission deadline is February 10th, 2022 at 12:00 IST.
- First, read the KORIL Handbook – Strategic program
- Second, write the proposal jointly with your partner in English with the budget and all supportive documents – click to access the forms
Submission process is as follow:
- Send the full proposal with CC to you partner to the Israel Manager of KORIL, Ms. Ella Heller: ella.heller@innovationisrael.org.il and Industry Analyst of KORIL Korean Office Ms. Sooah Lee: sooahlee@koril.org
- Simultaneously the Israeli companies needs to submit the proposal to the Israel Innovation System online. Detailed information on how to submit to the Israel Innovation Authority can be found in the KORIL Handbook
The application process is detailed on the Israel-Korea Fund (KORIL) website.
Applications must be submitted by the Israeli companies and their foreign partners in collaboration.
Partner Search
Interested in this collaboration program but do not have a partner? Fill the Partner Search Form Online in the KORIL website, and we will do our best to help you find the right match.