Israel-Russia 8th Call for Proposals for Joint R&D Projects
Open Date:
31/10/2018Deadline for Submission:
30/06/2019Time zone:
In the framework of the activities foreseen by the Agreement on industrial and technological research and
development cooperation between Russia and Israel, the Government of the Russian Federation and The
Government of the State of Israel, The Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs on behalf of the
Russian Federation and ISERD on behalf of the State of Israel- Innovation Authority, Ministry of Economy, are
announcing the procedures for the selection of R&D projects eligible for financial support within this framework.
Relevant Technologies
All Technologies
Participating Agencies
Program Description
This call aims at developing innovative products and applications in all technological and application
The requirements to be followed in order to apply to the present Call are:
- The Israeli partner must be Industrial entity (company) which may be technologically and scientifically assisted by Industrial or non industrial entity (e.g.: university research institute etc.) as subcontractor;
- The Russian partner can be an industrial entity (company) or a non industrial entity (e.g.: university, research institute etc.) or have a team that can carry out a research program on the Project.
The Russian and Israeli partners must express the will to cooperate, on a mutually significant basis, towards
the development of a new product, industrial process or service
Applications will be evaluated according to the national laws, rules, regulations & procedures for each party (Israeli-Russian) and the following criteria:
- Novelty of the proposal, the potential of application in the production and effects created by the cooperation of the project partners (The added value of the cooperation between project partners);
- Scientific validity;
- Technical feasibility;
- Compliance with nanotechnology;
- Qualifications of the applicants in performing the specific tasks;
- Expected economic results from the realization of the project;
- Technological innovation
- Capacities of the participating partners
- Economic potential of the proposed product/service.
- The added value of the cooperation between project partners
- The capability of the partners (R&D personnel, Infrastructure, Finance, Marketing).
Application Process
Companies will be invited to submit their funding applications according to national procedures
- The application form in is directed to the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs to the email address: .
- As for Israeli partners, submission of the Innovation Authority forms is expected by June 30, 2019.
- Companies should contact ISERD before submission in order to receive the submission guidelines.