Israel – Georgia Collaborative Industry Innovation Program – Call for Proposals
Phase I:
04/09/2018EndedDeadline for Submission:
30/10/2018Time zone:
Israel – Georgia Collaborative Industry Innovation Program With the outhern Company Application for Expressions of Interest.
For more information on this call for proposal’s program: click here
Program Description
This Request is the first call for expressions of interest by Israeli Companies initiated within the framework of the collaborative industry research and development program envisioned in the Agreement between the ISRAEL INNOVATION AUTHORITY and the GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT’S CENTERS OF INNOVATION on Bilateral Cooperation in Industrial Research and Development, which was signed on the 7th of June 2018.
This Request for Application for Expressions of Interest is being simultaneously issued by the designated cooperating authorities (the Israel Innovation Authority and the Georgia Centers of Innovation, a Division of the Georgia Department of Economic Development., respectively). The program for which this application is the initial step in a process that will provide joint funding of projects between the Southern Company in Atlanta, Georgia and Israeli companies with innovative technologies in the designated areas of interest below. Southern Company will be allocating up to $1 million per year for support of projects under this program which will be matched by the Israel Innovation Authority and the Israeli company as per the Israel Innovation Authority funding rules.
This Request for Application is designed to promote opportunities for conducting joint industrial R&D projects between entities from Israel and the Southern Company. Joint projects awarded through this program will be funded through existing funding mechanisms accessible to Israel Innovation Authority and Southern Company, including its subsidiaries, respectively, and may be leveraged by other investments consistent with the policies and procedures of each state and Company.
Israel Innovation Authority, the Georgia Centers of Innovation and Southern Company expect that potential collaboration partners in Israel will collaborate with the Southern Company to identify projects of interest, but will consider any applications from Israeli companies relevant to the interests of Israel Innovation Authority, the state of Georgia and the Company. The Israel Innovation Authority holds a database of Israeli technology companies and provides “on-demand” partner matching services. Southern Company has direct access to its company database of established companies in the technology domains that are the focus of this Request for Applications.
Technological Fields
The main objective of this Request is to stimulate generation and development of new or significantly improved products or processes for commercialization in global markets. The focus of this Request for Applications will be on the following technology domains:
- Vehicle Automation, Electrification, Safety Systems and related areas
- Advanced Materials
- Sustainable Energy / Water / Agriculture Systems
- Public Safety / Homeland Security
- Smart Home/Energy Efficiency/Aging in Place
- Data collection and analytics
- Systems to improve utility operations and maintenance
- Distributed energy resource management
- Marketing and customer relations systems
Applications having potentially high impact will be accepted in technology domains beyond the areas specified above.