GCI – Grand Challenges Israel Incentive Program – Call for Proposals
Open Date:
03/09/2020Deadline for Submission:
18/10/2020Time zone:
Grand Challenges Israel (Incentive Program No. 26) is a joint initiative of the Israel Innovation Authority and MASHAV, Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation in the context of Global Grand Challenges, a group of initiatives fostering innovation to solve key global health and development problems.
Participating Agencies

Program Description
The aim of the incentive program is to encourage R&D of innovative technological solutions addressing global health challenges in developing countries. The incentive program supports Israeli innovation and the entrance to new markets while it reflects Israel’s commitment to support the global effort to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
This call for proposals invites entrepreneurs, companies and NGOs to submit their proposals addressing global health, water, and food security challenges in developing countries.
Grants will cover up to 90 percent of approved budget and up to NIS 500,000 for the duration of the approved program.
*In case of exceptional innovation in the field for Global Health, the committee may approve a grant up to NIS 1,000,000
Applications for R&D aimed at global health challenges may be submitted in a range of fields, focusing on SDG2, SDG3 and SDG6 in developing countries.
SDG 2: Zero Hunger
- Plant nutrition, Fertilizers and nutrient solutions
- Solutions for genetic diversity and improvements of seeds and plant banks at the national, regional and international levels
- Advanced agriculture productivity and Agtech solution
- Sustainable food production systems and implement resilient agricultural practices (e.g. pressured Irrigation system, post-harvest technologies and plant protection)
SDG 3: Good Health and Well Being
- Accessibility of health services, solutions for remote diagnosis, and Point-of-care diagnostics
- Vector control
- Solution to improve pregnant women and newborn health
- Point-of-care diagnostics
- Infectious disease treatment in particular Covid-19 pandemic in developing countries
- Public and community health
- Mental health
- Strengthen capacity for early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global health risks
- Solutions and capacity building for emergency response and medical supply also during humanitarian disasters
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
- Access to clean quality water, portable water also during Emergency and Humanitarian Crises
- Solutions for sanitation and hygiene, desalination and waste treatment
- Water harvesting, water efficiency, recycling and reuse technologies
Target Countries: Developing Countries
One or more of the countries below and which Israel maintain diplomatic relations, according to the Israeli government decision and the list published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (https://data.gov.il/dataset/mdn-status):
- All Latin America countries
- All countries in Africa
- The following Euro-Asia countries: Georgia, Armenia, North Macedonia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
- And the following Asia countries: India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Viet Nam, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, The Pacific Islands, Cambodia, Thailand.
- The following Middle East countries: Jordan, Egypt.
Application Process
To avoid any doubt, in case of conflict or discrepancy between the provisions of the present ad and those of Incentive Program No. 26 and its procedure, the latter shall take precedence. This publication does not constitute any commitment or obligation to approve any applicant.
For more information, to submit a grant request, and to read the incentive program’s directives and procedures, please refer to the relevant page on the Hebrew site.