Environmental Protection and Climate Tech Pilot Programs

Open Date:


Deadline for Submission:


Time zone:



The Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Innovation Authority invite Israeli high-tech companies in all climate-tech and environmental sectors to apply for investment in pilot programs via the Joint Government Support for Pilot Programs. This Call for Proposals will examine the potential environmental impact of the pilot versus current technologies, giving special emphasis to pilot projects relating to waste management, circular economy and efficient energy use.

Program Description

This Call for Proposals targets Israeli high-tech companies in the fields of climate-tech and environmental protection, such as: recycling, circular economy, efficient energy use, producing and storing clean energy, mitigating pollution and environmental hazards, green building, reducing greenhouse gasses emission, adapting to climate change, environmental services and relevant software applications. Click here for the full list of highlighted technological areas, as specified by the Ministry of Environmental Protection.

Please note:

  1. The list is not finite. It is also possible to submit an application for investment in areas that are not specified on the attached list.
  2. Preference will be given to application for pilots in the fields of waste management, circular economy and efficient energy use.



  • A grant of 20%-50% of the approved R&D expenses
  • A grant of 75% of the approved R&D expenses will be given to a pilot with an exceptional impact-potential on the quality and efficiency of Israeli public services
  • Possible regulatory support from the Ministry of Environmental Protection during the pilot’s trial-run-period, and even receiving a designated regulatory indication




Criteria for evaluation of proposals:

  • The program’s level of technological innovation and uniqueness
  • The level of challenge in realizing the program
  • The company’s competence, including management capabilities and the ability of complete the program and bring about its business realization
  • The expected level of environmental protection the program will enable versus current technologies, considering the overall environmental effect
  • The quality of the pilot program – the quality of the pilot’s site and its synergy with the company, the benefit the company will get from the program in respect to market proximity and commercialization

Application Process

Application Deadline: September 23rd, at 12:00 PM (Israel Time)
Responses expected to be sent around December 2024.

Applications are submitted via the Innovation Authority’s Hebrew website (Hebrew only).


For additional information, please contact:

Name: Customer Support
Position: Customer Support
Organization: Israel Innovation Authority
Name: Growth Division – for questions on suitablity to the project
Organization: Israel Innovation Authority
Name: Avital Eshet
Position: Strategy, Policy and Economy Department Manager
Organization: The Ministry of Environmental Protection