Innovation Authority and Ministry of Defense Launch a Unique 10 Million NIS Program for Training and Promoting Technological Entrepreneurship for Reserve and Discharged Soldiers


The Foundation and Unit for Discharged Soldiers in the Ministry of Defense and the Innovation Authority published a call for proposals today, in accordance with the national importance of increasing the supply of human capital for high-tech and the need to promote and assist reserve soldiers and discharged soldiers in integrating into the local high-tech industry. The call for proposals is part of a collaboration to develop and initiate entrepreneurship and acceleration programs for high-tech within the framework of the Human Capital Fund – developing human capital for the knowledge-intensive industry in Israel.

Dror Bin, CEO of the Innovation Authority: “IDF soldiers in regular service and reserves have stood as one to defend our country since October 7th. We now want to harness the command and management capabilities they had to demonstrate and the creativity they had to employ to fulfill their roles for the benefit of Israeli high-tech. The training and Promoting program for tech entrepreneurship combines the needs of the industry with the excellent potential that exists among discharged soldiers and reservists. We see this program as a unique opportunity to allow this important population to start a new career and at the same time turn their creativity and ideas into reality by incubating new initiatives and start-up companies, which in turn, strengthen the Israeli innovation hub as a whole.”

Eyal Hanes, Head of the Division and Manager of the Foundation for Discharged Soldiers in the Ministry of Defense: “This program serves as an important lever for integrating discharged soldiers and reservists eligible by the Foundation and Unit into the current job market by providing innovative tools and unique knowledge with an emphasis on the world of entrepreneurship. This program was designed to honor this important population that spearheads the Israeli society and presents an exceptional window of opportunity, opening for them new horizons.”

The Innovation Authority and the Foundation and Unit for Discharged Soldiers in the Ministry of Defense invite relevant corporations (including non-profits, academia, research institutions) to submit applications for support of new programs designed for developing human capital in the Israeli high-tech industry, including in specific areas that address challenges in the development of skilled human capital which will be detailed below. Awarded applications will receive funding of 50%-70% of the program’s approved budget according to the regulations and procedures of the benefit program.

Grant amount:

  • A program with a requested budget of up to 1,000,000 NIS – can receive a grant of 70% of the approved budget will be given – according to the decision of the Research Committee.
  • A program with a requested budget between 1,000,000 NIS and up to 5,000,000 NIS – can receive a grant of 50% of the approved budget – according to the decision of the Research Committee.
  • Applications should be submitted for an execution period of up to 12/24 months.
  • The Innovation Authority encourages the submission of programs that will include extensive professional content addressing all the skills required for employees and entrepreneurs in the knowledge-intensive industry in Israel.

The submitted programs can include, among other things:

  • Familiarity with technological and economic aspects of the entrepreneurship world, exposure to current and future technological trends (such as artificial intelligence, agro-tech, chips, and more).
  • Identifying challenges, needs, and opportunities, familiarity with business models, familiarity with the world of investments, venture capital, and other investment bodies.
  • Methodologies for ideation and creative thinking, and the ability to present a vision of the future and vision and to mobilize others to the cause.
  • Experiential space – practical experience in the entrepreneurship process including research and conceptual thinking (Ideation), idea validation, and its maturation using all the tools learned in the program, experience in teamwork and final presentation to an audience. Development of practical ideas/personal projects and presenting them at the end of the program.
  • Acceleration – accompanying entrepreneurs who have already established technological start-up companies, while exposing them to content that will assist the entrepreneur in building the venture, including building the business plan, connecting to mentors, recruiting customers, market validation, building MVP, raising capital, and more.

The call for proposals is open for submissions until September 15, 2024, at 12:00 (Israel Time).