Enabling sustainable fisheries and aquaculture

Enabling sustainable fisheries and aquaculture contributes directly to an environmentally friendly, inclusive, safe and healthy food production through the provision of high nutritional values and micronutrients for a healthy diet.

Sustainably produced food from marine and fresh-water bodies can and should account for a much bigger proportion of overall food consumed. The Farm to Fork Strategy aims at fishers and aquaculture producers that deliver better climate and environmental results and also at strengthening their position in the supply chain.

R&I will directly support the Common Fisheries Policy and deliver inclusive and diversified approaches to allow for the adaptation of fisheries management to the different realities including in the international context.

Sustainable and resilient aquaculture systems, including the use of low trophic species (e.g. algae and herbivores), high animal welfare and alternative sources of protein for food and feed, will increase seafood production and reduce the environmental impact while adding economic value to the chain. Seafood security will benefit from the drastic reduction in the currently massive pre- and post-harvest losses in seafood biomass.

Producers and consumers awareness, trust and behaviour with respect to responsible production, consumption and disposal of seafood, will contribute directly to increased competitiveness and sustainability of the sector. An overarching partnership “A climate neutral, sustainable and productive Blue Economy” will contribute to increased food security, create added value, blue growth and jobs in Europe through a jointly supported research and innovation programme in the European seas, coastal and inland waters.

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