PUBLISHING VS. PATENTING- Dissemination and exploitation of project results

Sep 27, 2019 10:30:00



Time Zone


About the Event

The FREE  FET Focus WEBINAR will examine the two different routes related to dissemination and exploitation of project results, with a specific focus to FET funded projects.

It will provide advice on how to prevent others from making, using, or selling the IP, when to choose a defensive approach related to the publications and the open access model, as well as how seeking a patent without preclude a publication. The different needs and objectives of research organisations/universities (ROs) and small and medium sized enterprises/industry will be identified.

The following programme will be covered:

  • The FETFX project (Marta Calderaro, APRE)
  • Publishing v. patenting (Michele Dubbini, EU IP Helpdesk)
    • Traditional distinction
    • Publishing and Patenting approaches
    • Alternative dissemination routs- Defensive publication | Open access model
  • Secrecy
  • Q&As
  • Access2EIC project introduction (Antonio Carbone, APRE)

Registration is mandatory while your participation is free of charge.

For more infomation, agenda and registartion, click here

The webinar is organised by the FETFX project with the participation of the European IPR Helpdesk.