Innovative governance, environmental observations and digital solutions in support of the Green Deal

Innovative governance, environmental observations and digital solutions in support of the Green Deal

This destination will develop innovative digital and data based solutions to support communities and society at large, and economic sectors relevant for this Cluster to achieve sustainability objectives. R&I activities will add value to the knowledge and cost-effectiveness of innovative technologies in and across primary production sectors, food systems, bioeconomy, oceans and biodiversity.


Success Stories

EU-funded researchers are reconstructing how the chemical composition of the world's sea water evolved, using brachiopod shells. Their findings should…
Data and information obtained through Environmental Observation is of great…
Primary producers have a particular need for impartial and tailored advice on…


Track 37- Providing financial support to companies interested in submitting requests to the EU Framework Program – Horizon Europe
Updates and changes to Horizon Europe (HEU)
Being an expert for the European Commission – Current experts share their experience

Horizon Material

The list of Calls and topics on the Participant Portal (PP) – all proposals are submitted through this system.
Part A and Part B templates for Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) and Innovation Actions (IA).
Commission related documents and reference files such as model grant agreements, rules for submission and evaluation and templates.