Culture, creativity and inclusive society

Culture, creativity and inclusive society

Aims to meet EU goals and priorities on enhancing democratic governance and citizens participation, on the safeguarding and promotion of cultural heritage, and to respond to and shape multifaceted social, economic, technological and cultural transformations. It mobilises multidisciplinary expertise of European social sciences and humanities for understanding fundamental contemporary transformations of society, economy, politics and culture and providing evidence-based policy options for a socially just and inclusive European green and digital recovery.

Actions will reinvigorate democratic governance and improve trust in democratic…
Activities will promote better access and engagement with cultural heritage and…
Actions will help tackle social, economic and political inequalities, support…


Track 37- Providing financial support to companies interested in submitting requests to the EU Framework Program – Horizon Europe
Updates and changes to Horizon Europe (HEU)
Being an expert for the European Commission – Current experts share their experience

Horizon Material

Horizon 2020 is divided into 3 three pillars and 2 specific objectives corresponding to its main priorities
EC Communication Campaign: H2020 Financial Rules


Smadar Hirsh
Director: European Research Council (ERC), Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), Europe in a changing world, Science with and for the Society, Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation
Jessica Stroweis
Head of Sector: European Research Council (ERC) & Culture, Creative and inclusive society sector; Legal and Financial NCP