

In recent years, global health and medicine have been undergoing a revolution driven by two main factors: first, the global health systems and bio-pharm industry crisis caused by a sharp increase in health expenditures and in the development costs of new medicines. The second factor relates to recent technological breakthroughs in the fields of engineering, biology and medicine. This revolution is fostering a new multidisciplinary industry that is based on the synergy between different technologies from the fields of biology and engineering known as \u201cbio-convergence\u201d.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

The Innovation Authority believes that the Israeli innovation ecosystem has substantial potential to transform the country into a world leader in this developing field. The Authority is striving to create the conditions to enable the growth and success of the bio-convergence industry in Israel.<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n



Global Health System Crisis<\/h3>\n\n\n\n

Global health expenditure continues to rise dramatically and is expected to reach 10 trillion dollars by 2022. The main causes behind this phenomenon are increased life expectancy that leads to an aging population alongside increased frequency of chronic disease such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes.1<\/a><\/sup>https:\/\/www2.deloitte.com\/content\/dam\/Deloitte\/global\/Images\/infographics\/lifesciences-healthcare\/gx-lshc-hc-outlook-2019-infographic.pdf <\/a> <\/span>Today, approximately 50% of the population in the US are considered chronically ill and these patients account for about 85% of the total expenditure on healthcare services.2<\/a><\/sup>Joseph C. Kvedar, \u201cDigital Medicine\u2019s March on Chronic Disease\u201d , Nature Biotechnol 2016<\/span><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Early and efficient medical intervention and diagnosis can prevent or delay most chronic diseases. The health system has therefore undergone significant change in recent years and today pays greater attention to early, efficient intervention and preventative medicine.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Technological breakthroughs and a combination of innovative genetic and digital technologies can assist in identifying and contending with the complexities inherent in chronic diseases. Furthermore, they help identify the \u201cdormant\u201d stage of these diseases to preempt outbreak of symptoms. Accordingly, health systems continue to make the transition from a model whereby success is measured by the number of patients being treated (Volume Based Model) to a model that measures success by the quality and efficiency of the treatment (Value Based Model) and that is also expressed by the ability to avoid medical treatments. This transition, necessary for both governments and service providers and by the patients themselves, is driving the need for technological innovation that can meet the new challenges and needs of the health system.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Western governments invest huge sums to improve and enhance health systems that burden public expenditure. A global comparison of national health expenditure as a percentage of GDP between 1975-2018 is presented in Fig. 6.1 below. The comparison between Israel, USA, UK, Canada, Switzerland and Austria reveals that health expenditure as a percentage of GDP in these countries has almost doubled, and in some cases, increased even more.<\/p>\n\n\n\n




Source: OECD STAT<\/h5>\n\n\n\n


The Bio-Pharm Industry<\/h3>\n\n\n\n

The pharmaceutical industry is currently facing a major challenge. Costs of developing a new drug have increased markedly in recent years and the return on investment of drug development has nosedived accordingly. Fig. 6.2 shows how in 1970 the cost of developing a new drug stood at an average of 179 million dollars, a cost that almost doubled every decade. This reflects a 15-fold increase as by the beginning of the 21st century, the average cost of developing a new drug had reached approximately 2.6 billion dollars. The diagram also shows that despite the rising costs, there was no significant growth in the number of drugs authorized, which generally remained constant at a few dozen each year.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

As a result, the return on the development cost of a new drug has declined dramatically. According to a Deloitte report that examined 12 large public corporations, the return on development cost in 2010 stood at approx. 10% while in 2018, this figure dropped to about 2%.3<\/a><\/sup>Deloitte UK Measuring Return on Pharma Innovation Report, 2018<\/span><\/p>\n\n\n\n




Source: An Innovation Authority adaptation of data from: Biology-inspired Micro-physiological System Approaches to Solve the Prediction Dilemma of Substance Testing<\/h5>\n\n\n\n

These challenges obligate health systems and the bio-pharm industry to undergo drastic changes, to identify and develop precise, personalized and effective medical solutions. The attempt to contend with these challenges has given rise to a new multidisciplinary industry known as bio-convergence that is based on connecting various technologies from the fields of biology and engineering. This industry is expected to form the future base of medicine and to reshape the global health industry.4<\/a><\/sup>Convergence-The-Future-of-Health-2016-Report, Cambridge, Massachusetts 2016<\/span><\/p>\n\n\n\n

The Bio-Convergence Revolution<\/h3>\n\n\n\n

Technological breakthroughs achieved in recent years enable to connect and combine fields in a way that was previously impossible. The genomic revolution, the dramatic decline in the cost and increased speed of DNA sequencing alongside Artificial Intelligence and Big Data are today leading to the development of advanced diagnostic technologies that are based on protein-level, genomic and clinical data.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Fig. 6.3 presents the multidisciplinary technological breakthroughs that have occurred over recent decades in the fields of engineering and software alongside those in biotechnology. The combination of these fields creates bio-convergence.<\/p>\n\n\n\n




Two of the other fields developing alongside biotechnology are that of gene therapy, which is at the cutting edge of personalized healthcare, and synthetic biology that is based on the a combination of innovative technologies such as DNA sequencing, creation and writing of new genes, among others by using CRISPR technology,5<\/a><\/sup>CRISPR technology enables to cut out a section of damaged DNA and replace it with a sound section.<\/span> behavioral modeling of specific genes, and precise measurement of gene behavior.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Apart from engineering, the Innovation Authority is witness to other multidisciplinary combinations that are based on engineering technological breakthroughs. These technologies include for example, miniaturization of electronic components combined with tissues and engineered “living” materials, smart biosensors, communications, and 3D printing of tissues. All these constitute the foundation of the technological innovation engine termed bio-convergence.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

The 2018-2019 Innovation Report 6<\/a><\/sup>https:\/\/innovationisrael.org.il\/digital-reports\/<\/a><\/span> included a chapter on personalized healthcare and its potential. The bio-convergence revolution is the next stage of this trend and enables personalized healthcare, not only on the patient level but also on the molecular level so that treatments will be adapted to the disease type down to the level of the individual cell.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

For example, an individual personalized treatment will be based not only on diagnostic tests but also on a combination of miniature biological sensors that continuously monitor viruses, bacteria and cancerous cells etc. The results of these tests will allow early detection of disease and administration of preventative treatment. Furthermore, smart nano-robots will allow precise delivery of treatment to damaged cells without harming heathy cells.7<\/a><\/sup>Torreya: The Future of the Global Pharmaceutical Industry, 2017<\/span><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Fig. 6.4 presents examples of multidisciplinary technologies in the bio-convergence field: <\/p>\n\n\n\n


